Construction / Deconstruction 1/2

Eine meiner beiden Beiträge für den Open Call von Berlin Collage Platform, Thema De-/ Konstruktion, für das 2. Online Magazin – super glücklich, unter denjenigen zu sein, die ausgewählt wurden. Das Magazin erscheinet bald .

One of my two entries for Berlin Collage Platform’s Open Call, theme de/construction, for the 2nd online magazine – super happy to be among those selected. The magazine will be published soon.

Cults of Life #10

Cults of life 10 - 1
Cults of Life No 10 Participants
Cults of Life No 10

Cults of life 10 - 1

Cults of Life No 10 Participants

Cults of Life No 10

Cults of life 10 - 1 thumbnail
Cults of Life No 10 Participants thumbnail
Cults of Life No 10 thumbnail

Super glücklich, für Cults of Life #10 ausgewählt worden zu sein.
Vielen Dank, Niko Vartiainen!
Schaut euch Cults of Life an, um euer eigenes Exemplar zu bekommen – es lohnt sich!

Super happy to have been chosen for Cults of Life #10
Thank you Niko Vartiainen !
Check out Cults of life to t´get your own copy – its´worth it!

Featured in ICARUS

Icarus - published by Allan Bealy
Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - participants
Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - The project
Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - my contribution

Icarus - published by Allan Bealy

Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - participants

Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - The project

Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - my contribution

Icarus - published by Allan Bealy thumbnail
Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - participants thumbnail
Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - The project thumbnail
Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - my contribution thumbnail

Ich freue mich, in dem Magazin „ICARUS“ von Allan Bealy dabei zu sein. Herzlichen Dank!
Während des Lockdowns Mitte letzten Jahres lud Allan zu einer Collaboration ein – den Teilnehmenden sendete er via email den Icarus-Starter zu – die beendete Arbeit wurde auf dem gleichen Wege an ihn zurückgeschickt.
Ich finde es sehr interessant zu sehen, wie unterschiedlich die Ergebnisse mit de selben Ausgangsmaterial sind.
Um selbst ein Exemplar des Magazins zu erwerben musst den den Instagram Account von Allan aufrufen – dort findest Du den link.
(unbezahlte Werbung)

english version:
I am pleased to be included in the magazine „ICARUS“ by Allan Bealy. Thank you very much!
During the lockdown in the middle of last year Allan invited to a collaboration – to the participants he sent via email the Icarus starter – the finished work was sent back to him in the same way.
I find it very interesting to see how different the results are with the same source material.
To purchase a copy of the magazine yourself, visit Allan’s Instagram account – you’ll find the link there.
(unpaid advertisement)

Featured in Collage Care

Meine Collage „Einzelausgabe“ (2020), die Teil der Doug & Laurie Kanyer Collage Sammlung ist, wurde in Laurie Kanyers Buch „Collage Care: Transforming Emotions and Life Experiences With Collage“, publiziert bei Kanyer Publishing Juli 2021, veröffentlicht.
(Foto von Susanna Lakner)
unbezahlte Werbung

My collage „Single Issue“ (2020), part of the Doug & Laurie Kanyer Collage Collection, was featured in Laurie Kanyer’s book, Collage Care: Transforming Emotions and Life Experiences With Collage, published by Kanyer Publishing July 2021.
(Photos by Susanna Lakner)
unpaid advertising

Play and Record – Publikation von EdinburghCollageCollective

Announcement ECC
From the Beginning to The End - cover
From the Beginning to The End - inside
From the Beginning to The End - back

Announcement ECC

From the Beginning to The End - cover

From the Beginning to The End - inside

From the Beginning to The End - back

Announcement ECC thumbnail
From the Beginning to The End - cover thumbnail
From the Beginning to The End - inside thumbnail
From the Beginning to The End - back thumbnail

Ich bin total begeistert, für die Publikation „Play and Record“ von EdinburghCollageCollevtive mit meinem Cassetten-Buch „Vom Anfang bis zum Ende“ ausgewählt worden zu sein. 53 von mehr als 1000 eingereichten Beiträgen werden in dem im September erscheinenden Buch zu sehen sein. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, das Buch in den Händen zu halten.
Mein herzlicher Dank geht an EdinburghCollageCollective, Rhed Fawell, Juan Carlos Aguado Ruiz und Miranda M.
Unten ist der Originalartikel von ECC als Repost zu lesen.

english version:
I am absolutely thrilled to have been selected for EdinburghCollageCollevtive’s publication „Play and Record“ with my cassette book „From Beginning to End“. 53 of more than 1000 entries submitted will be featured in the book to be published in September. I can hardly wait to hold the book in my hands.
My heartfelt thanks to EdinburghCollageCollective, Rhed Fawell, Juan Carlos Aguado Ruiz and Miranda M.
Below is the original article from ECC as a repost.

REPOST from EdinburghCollageCollective:
We are delighted to announce the artists whose work has been selected to feature in our Play and Record 2021 publication

We would like to thank all the artists who submitted to this Open Call project. We had over a thousand submissions. It has been a joy to view and share so many of these

The standard of work has been tremendously high and the selection procedure was a particularly difficult task for the ECC team. The quality and originality was so impressive we took the decision to increase the size of the Play and Record publication. We will now be including 53 artists instead of the 20 we originally planned

As always, our aim is to showcase a broad range of creative responses and to include a variety of analog and digital processes. We are excited to list below our selected artists:

Congratulations to:
@hazelterryillustration @loobyroux @scissorspaperpaste @melaniebarnescollage @jodiehousecollage @iantothill @jcaguadoruiz @e.martinez555 @larroel_collage @blancaator @dbella_lab @ampastrecollage @paoladcroz @collageamanivela @anjabrunt @jennyariane @littlethoughtsgallery @sabine.remy.collage @vera_bredung @holaurko @instagan_ @eugeniacondef @pesto.frankie @arianevalesqua @paper_vandalism @annemisfeldt @moniquevettraino @natashazolotareva2000 @bookcliffvintageart @peterillustrates @bymisscarole @dickvergez @renealink_art @edytaciosekcollages @scissorsandstories @lizaa.petridou @margotbirgitte @jo_collage @velosechsundsechzig @landroberlin @artaeria @melissa.donoho @rozenn.legall @stickingonstuff @miradademujercollage @denada_studio @marjoleinburbank @rojoypunto @m.glittertind

Our publication will be on sale in our ECC shop. Details and date to follow over the coming weeks

A heartfelt thanks to our jury panel and team Juan Carlos @jcaguadoruiz and Miranda @scissorspaperpaste who went above and beyond to help with this immense task.“

The Introverted Post – My contribution

Ich freue mich sehr, die Seite und den Aufruf von The Introverted Post im Netz gefunden zu haben!
Und schon habe ich etwas geschickt: Einen Katalog von meiner Serie „Gesundheitsatlas“, ein Poster-Booklet, einen Katalog mit einer Kollaboration von Stefan Heuer und mir, ein Set meiner selbst entworfenen Dada-Stempel sowie ein Set meiner Collagen „Visual Poetry“. Das ergibt einen guten Überblick über das, was ich mache. Ich hoffe sehr, das die Post gut ankommt – und gefällt!

I am very happy to have found the page and the call of The Introverted Post on the net!
And already I have sent something: A catalogue of my series „Health Atlas“, a poster booklet, a catalogue with a collaboration of Stefan Heuer and me, a set of my self-designed Dada stamps and a set of my collages „Visual Poetry“. That gives a good overview of what I do. I sincerely hope that the post will be well received – and liked!

MAAV – Mail Art Archive Vienna No2 – Dreamworlds

MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds
MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds - Participants / Teilnehmer
MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds - Participants / Teilnehmer
MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds - My Dreamer on the left
MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds
My contribution to MAAV no2 - Dreamworlds - Dreamer 2018

MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds

MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds - Participants / Teilnehmer

MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds - Participants / Teilnehmer

MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds - My Dreamer on the left

MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds

My contribution to MAAV no2 - Dreamworlds - Dreamer 2018

MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds thumbnail
MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds - Participants / Teilnehmer thumbnail
MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds - Participants / Teilnehmer thumbnail
MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds - My Dreamer on the left thumbnail
MAAV - Mail Art Archive Vienna - No2 - Dreamworlds thumbnail
My contribution to MAAV no2 - Dreamworlds - Dreamer 2018 thumbnail

Ich freue mich, Teil des Katalogs MAAV – Mail Art Archive Vienna No 2 – Dreamworlds – von Geronimo Finn zu sein. 119 Künstler von der ganzen Welt sind darin vertreten. Ein gelungenes internationales Collage Projekt.
Du kannst Dir ein Exemplar hier bestellen: Geronimo Finn
(unbezahlte Werbung)

I am happy to be part of the catalogue MAAV – Mail Art Archive Vienna No 2 – Dreamworlds – by Geronimo Finn. 119 artists from all over the world are represented. A successful international collage project.
You can order a copy here: Geronimo Finn
(unpaid commercial)

THINK Magazin

Ich freue mich sehr, dass meine Collage „Student Athletic Ticket Machine“ für die Publikation {th ink} Nr. 2 „objectextion“, kuratiert und herausgegeben von Aaron Beebe, ausgewählt wurde. Eine Kunstpublikation, die sich der analogen Collage widmet. Diese Ausgabe konzentriert sich auf die Beziehung zwischen Objekten und Text.
Ich fühle mich sehr geehrt, an der Seite wunderbarer zeitgenössischer Collagekünstlern aus aller Welt publiziert worden zu sein.
Aaron hat think zusammen mit „Soggy Circular No1“, einem Katalog mit seinen eigenen Collagen, in einem wunderbaren Umschlag geschickt.
Herzlichen Dank!
Bei Interesse, THINK selbst zu erwerben, bitte dem link folgen
(unbezahlte Werbung)

Mail from Aaron Beebe
THINK - envelope / Umschlag
THINK No. 2 - the artists / die Künstler*innen
THINK No. 2 - my contribution / mein Beitrag
Das Original / The original : Student Athletic Ticket Machine
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 1
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 2
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 3
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 4
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 5
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 6
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 7
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 8
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 9

Mail from Aaron Beebe

THINK - envelope / Umschlag



THINK No. 2 - the artists / die Künstler*innen

THINK No. 2 - my contribution / mein Beitrag

Das Original / The original : Student Athletic Ticket Machine

Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 1

Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 2

Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 3

Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 4

Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 5

Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 6

Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 7

Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 8

Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 9

Mail from Aaron Beebe thumbnail
THINK - envelope / Umschlag thumbnail
THINK No. 2 thumbnail
THINK No. 2 thumbnail
THINK No. 2 - the artists / die Künstler*innen thumbnail
THINK No. 2 - my contribution / mein Beitrag thumbnail
Das Original / The original : Student Athletic Ticket Machine thumbnail
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 1 thumbnail
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 2 thumbnail
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 3 thumbnail
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 4 thumbnail
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 5 thumbnail
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 6 thumbnail
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 7 thumbnail
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 8 thumbnail
Soogy Circular No 1 by Aaron Beebe Collage - 9 thumbnail

english version:
I am very pleased that my collage „Student Athletic Ticket Machine“ has been selected for the publication {th ink} Nr. 2 „objectextion“, curated and edited by Aaron Beebe. An art publication dedicated to analogue collage. This issue focuses on the relationship between objects and text.
I am very honored to have been published alongside wonderful contemporary collage artists from around the world.
Aaron sent think along with „Soggy Circular No1“, a catalogue of his own collages, in a wonderful envelope.
Thank you very much!
If you are interested in purchasing one, follow the link to Aaron’s profile (unpaid advertising)

Student Athletic Ticket Machine

Collage on board, which is more than 100 years old
Collage auf einem über 100 Jahre alten Buchdeckel
24,8 x 16,3 cm

Mein Beitrag für TH INK – publications, der erfreulicherweise für die Publikation ausgewählt wurde. Mein Dank geht an Aaron Beebe! Bislang ist der Katalog noch nicht bei mir eingetroffen – wegen all der Einschränkungen durch Corona muss ich mich in Geduld üben, was mir schwer fällt, denn ich freue mich schon sehr darauf, mein Exemplar in den Händen zu halten.

My contribution to TH INK – publications, which was fortunately selected for publication. My thanks go to Aaron Beebe! So far, the catalogue has not yet arrived at my place – because of all the restrictions imposed by Corona, I have to be patient, which is hard for me, because I am really looking forward to holding my copy in my hands.

Die ungleichen Zwillinge
im KOLAJ Magazin #28

Ich freue mich sehr, auch für alle, die bislang daran teilgenommen haben, dass es „Die ungleichen Zwillinge“ in DAS internationale Collagemagazin KOLAJ geschafft haben. Mein Dank geht an Ric Kasini Kadour und Christopher Burn für den wunderbaren Artikel!
Hier kannst Du bei Interesse das Magazin bestellen.
(unbezahlte Werbung)

I am very happy, also for all those who have participated so far, that „The Unequal Twins“ made it into THE international collage magazine KOLAJ. My thanks go to Ric Kasini Kadour and Christopher Burn for the wonderful article!
Get your own copy here.
(unpaid advertisement)

KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 1
KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 2
KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 3
KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 4
KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 6
KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 5
KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins -7

KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 1

KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 2

KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 3

KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 4

KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 6

KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 5

KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins -7

KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 1 thumbnail
KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 2 thumbnail
KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 3 thumbnail
KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 4 thumbnail
KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 6 thumbnail
KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins - 5 thumbnail
KOLAJ 28 - The Unequal Twins -7 thumbnail