Special Agent Collage Collective
Mission 03: Operation Secret Handshake

Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake -1
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake -2
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake -3
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - My membershio card and an original ATC by Andrea Lewicki
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - Original Collage by Susan Duncan
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - The magazine
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - double page of the magazine with my contribution
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - my collage: Meine Mutter, Molly Leiderig / My mother, Molly Leiderig

Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake -1

Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake -2

Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake -3

Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - My membershio card and an original ATC by Andrea Lewicki

Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - Original Collage by Susan Duncan

Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - The magazine

Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - double page of the magazine with my contribution

Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - my collage: Meine Mutter, Molly Leiderig / My mother, Molly Leiderig

Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake -1 thumbnail
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake -2 thumbnail
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake -3 thumbnail
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - My membershio card and an original ATC by Andrea Lewicki thumbnail
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - Original Collage by Susan Duncan thumbnail
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - The magazine thumbnail
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - double page of the magazine with my contribution thumbnail
Special Agent Collage Collective - Mission 3 - Operation Secret Handshake - my collage: Meine Mutter, Molly Leiderig / My mother, Molly Leiderig thumbnail

Special Agent Collage Collective ist eine von Andrea Lewicki organisierte Online-Gruppe von Collage Künstlern, die eingeladen sind, an bestimmten „Missionen“ teilzunehmen. Mission 3 – „Operation geheimes Händeschüttel“ beinhaltete einen geheimen Austausch von Originalcollagen. Jedes Mitglied sollte eine Collage erstellen sowie einen Text dazu schreiben, und dies an Andrea per Post senden. Sie erstellte aus allen Einsendungen ein Magazin (in dem Durchblätter-Video zu sehen) und tauschte die Collage innerhalb der Teilnehmenden untereinander aus. So erhielt am Ende jeder eine Original-Collage sowie das Magazin. Eine tolle Idee – und Andrea hat sie arbeitsintensiv umgesetzt. Ich freue mich, nun Mitglied zu sein – Ich bin Special Agent 056.
Die Original-Collage, die ich erhalten habe, ist von Susan G. Duncan. Sie gefällt mir gut!
Ich habe die Collage „Meine Mutter, Molly Leiderig“ gemacht und folgenden Text dazu geschrieben:
„Meine Mutter, Molly Leiderig, hatte ein gut gehütetes Geheimnis: Nachts, wenn all ihre Kinder schliefen und all ihre Arbeit getan war, liebte sie es, in Männerkleidung zu schlüpfen, sich einen Bart anzukleben und genüßlich eine Zigarre zu rauchen. Dieses Geheimnis wurde erst nach ihrem Tod gelüftet, als man ihre Tagebücher fand. Ihre gesamte Familie war sehr stolz auf ihre heimliche Leidenschaft.“
Dies ging an Maureen Letton.
Das Projekt hat super viel Spaß gemacht! Vielen Dank Andrea, dass ich mitmachen durfte – und für die ganze Arbeit, die Du Dir gemacht hast!

english version:
Special Agent Collage Collective is an online group of collage artists organized by Andrea Lewicki who are invited to participate in specific „missions.“ Mission 3 – „Operation Secret Handshake“ involved a secret exchange of original collages. Each member was to create a collage as well as write text to accompany it, and mail this to Andrea. She created a magazine from all the submissions (seen in the flip-through video) and shared the collage among the participants. So in the end, everyone received an original collage as well as the magazine. A great idea – and Andrea put a lot of work into it. I am happy to be a member now – I am Special Agent 056.
The original collage I received is by Susan G. Duncan. I like it very much!
I made the collage „My Mother, Molly Leiderig“ and added the following text:
„My mother, Molly Leiderig, had a well-kept secret: at night, when all her children were asleep and all her work was done, she loved to slip into men’s clothes, glue on a beard, and smoke a cigar with relish. This secret was only revealed after her death, when her diaries were found. Her entire family was very proud of her secret passion.“
This went to Maureen Letton.
This project was super fun! Thank you Andrea for letting me participate – and for all the work you did!

Journal Of Field Study International
Field Report 2021

Field Study Emanation 2021 - 1
Field Study Emanation 2021 - 2
Field Study Emanation 2021 - 4
Field Study Emanation 2021 - 5

Field Study Emanation 2021 - 1

Field Study Emanation 2021 - 2

Field Study Emanation 2021 - 4

Field Study Emanation 2021 - 5

Field Study Emanation 2021 - 1 thumbnail
Field Study Emanation 2021 - 2 thumbnail
Field Study Emanation 2021 - 4 thumbnail
Field Study Emanation 2021 - 5 thumbnail

scroll down to english version

Dies ist mein Beitrag zum „Journal Of Field Study International – Field Report 2021″, einer Sammelpublikation, die von David Dellafiora herausgegeben wird, mit Dokumentationen von Auftritten, Instruktionen, Manifesten, Reisearbeiten usw., die von den Teilnehmenden als eine Feldstudienaktion im Jahr 2021 konzipiert wurden.  Ich nehme nun zum vierten Mal teil.
Diesmal: 100 Kopien, nummeriert und signiert, zum Thema Sammelmagazine, bei denen ich  2021 häufig mitgemacht habe.
Hier der Text, den ich dazu geschrieben habe:

Sammelmagazine / Assembling Zines
Das Konzept des Assembling Zines wurde in den späten 1960ger Jahren entwickelt:Die Mitwirkenden reichen eine bestimmte Anzahl von Exemplaren ihrer Arbeiten bei einem zentralen Redakteur ein, der wiederum ein Exemplar aus den Einsendungen jedes Künstlers zum endgültigen „assemblierten“ Produkt zusammenstellt, wobei die Anzahl der Künstler, die Arbeiten einreichen, die Anzahl der Seiten in jedem Assembler bestimmt. Die Aufmachung des endgültigen Magazins ist unterschiedlich, einige haben lose Umschläge, in die die Seiten eingelegt sind, andere sind zusammengeheftet, wieder andere sind gebunden und wieder andere wurden in eine Vielzahl verschiedener Behälter gelegt. […] Assemblings stellte einen weiteren der fortgesetzten Angriffe auf die etablierten Machtstrukturen der Kunstwelt in dieser Zeit dar […] Die Assemblierungen kehrten das Vorrecht der redaktionellen Autorität vollständig um und stellten eine entscheidende Verschiebung der Rolle des Herausgebers hin zu der des Sammlers oder Kompilators dar.“ (Quelle : „Assembling Magazines (a.k.a. Compilations)“ by Stephen Perkins – zinebook.com/resource/perkins/perkins6.html)

Seit 2014 nehme ich regelmäßig und gerne an unterschiedlichen Assembling Zines teil. Nachdem durch diverse Corona-Lockdowns das Versenden per Post in 2020 kaum möglich war, war es eine besondere Freude, in dieser Art und Weise 2021 wieder mit anderen Künstlern weltweit Kontakt aufzunehmen und Ideen und Arbeiten auszutauschen. Deswegen habe ich mich in diesem Jahr insgesamt 14 mal an folgenden Assembling Zines beteiligt.

ADD AND PASS CUT AND PASTE running by Josh Ronsen
ART IN A BOX by Gina Geo (2 times)
ATTIC ZINE by Nicola Winborn
CIRCULAIRE 132 by R.F. Cote
COLLAGE by Alfonso Aguado Ortuno
EXCAVATIONS by Lottchen Echo aka Svenja Wahl (2 times)
FIELD REPORT by David Dellafiora
FRANTICHAMS ASSEMBLING BOX by Francis van Maele and Anticham (2 times)
KART by David Dellafiora
RUBBER POSTCARD by William Mellot
T.A.Z. by Vittore Baroni

Meine Beiträge dazu habe ich hier zusammen abgebildet.
A Field Study Emanation by Sabine Remy – Germany 2021

english version:
This is my contribution to “Journal Of Field Study International – Field Report 2021″, which is an assembling magazine running by David Dellafiora, including documentations of performances, instructions, manifestos, journey works, etc which the participants have conceived as a Field Study action during 2021. This is the fourth time I am taking part in.
This time: 100 copies, numbered and signed, on the theme of collectible magazines, in which I participated frequently in 2021.
Here is the text I wrote for it:

Assembling Zines
The concept of the Assembling Zine was developed in the late 1960s:
„Contributors submit a set number of copies of their work to a central editor, who in turn compiles one copy from each artist’s submissions into the final „assembled“ product, with the number of artists submitting work determining the number of pages in each assembler. The makeup of the final magazine varies, some have loose covers in which the pages are inserted, some are stapled together, some are bound, and some have been placed in a variety of different containers. […] Assemblings represented another of the continued assaults on the established power structures of the art world at this time […] Assemblings completely reversed the prerogative of editorial authority and represented a decisive shift in the role of the editor to that of the collector or compiler.“ (Source : „Assembling Magazines (a.k.a. Compilations)“ by Stephen Perkins – zinebook.com/resource/perkins/perkins6.html)

I’ve been a regular and happy participant in various assembling zines since 2014. After various Corona lockdowns made it almost impossible to send by mail in 2020, it was a special pleasure to reconnect with other artists worldwide in this way in 2021 and exchange ideas and work. That’s why I participated in the following Assembling Zines a total of 14 times this year.

ADD AND PASS CUT AND PASTE running by Josh Ronsen
ART IN A BOX by Gina Geo (2 times)
ATTIC ZINE by Nicola Winborn
CIRCULAIRE 132 by R.F. Cote
COLLAGE by Alfonso Aguado Ortuno
EXCAVATIONS by Lottchen Echo aka Svenja Wahl (2 times)
FIELD REPORT by David Dellafiora
FRANTICHAMS ASSEMBLING BOX by Francis van Maele and Anticham (2 times)
KART by David Dellafiora
RUBBER POSTCARD by William Mellot
T.A.Z. by Vittore Baroni

My contributions to it I have illustrated here together.
A Field Study Emanation by Sabine Remy – Germany 2021

Mein Beitrag zu Excavations Zine

Excavations Beitrag 2021
Zine #1 für Excavations
Excavations - 22 Original Collages

Excavations Beitrag 2021

Zine #1 für Excavations

Excavations - 22 Original Collages

Excavations Beitrag 2021 thumbnail
Zine #1 für Excavations thumbnail
Excavations - 22 Original Collages thumbnail

22 nummerierte Exemplare meines ersten Zines, zusammen mit 22 Original Collagen (vier unterschiedliche Motive) als Beitrag für Svenja Wahls Sammel-Magazine Excavations.  Ich habe schon häufiger bei diesem Magazin mitgemacht – und bin schon auf die nächste Ausgabe gespannt.
(unbezahlte Werbung)

22 numbered copies of my first zine, together with 22 original collages (four different motifs) as a contribution to Svenja Wahl’s assembling magazine Excavations.  I’ve been a frequent contributor to this magazine – and I’m already looking forward to the next issue.
(unpaid advertising)

My Dada-Stamp-Collection
for The Rubber Postcard Assembling Zine

Das ist mein erster Beitrag für das Stempel Postkarten Sammelmagazin, das William Mellott (Taiwan) herausgibt. Ich habe meine fünf Dada-Stempel, die ich selber designed habe, auf einer Postkarte vereint – in einer Auflage von 13 Stück. Ich bin nun gespannt, wie die Beiträge der anderen sein werden.

This is my first contribution to the Rubber Postcard assembling magazine published by William Mellott (Taiwan). I have combined my five Dada stamps, which I designed myself, on a postcard – in an edition of 13 pieces. I am now curious how the contributions of the others will be.

Cults of Life #10

Cults of life 10 - 1
Cults of Life No 10 Participants
Cults of Life No 10

Cults of life 10 - 1

Cults of Life No 10 Participants

Cults of Life No 10

Cults of life 10 - 1 thumbnail
Cults of Life No 10 Participants thumbnail
Cults of Life No 10 thumbnail

Super glücklich, für Cults of Life #10 ausgewählt worden zu sein.
Vielen Dank, Niko Vartiainen!
Schaut euch Cults of Life an, um euer eigenes Exemplar zu bekommen – es lohnt sich!

Super happy to have been chosen for Cults of Life #10
Thank you Niko Vartiainen !
Check out Cults of life to t´get your own copy – its´worth it!

Journal Of Field Study International – Field Report 2017

Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017
Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - cover
Journal Of Field Study International l - Field Report 2017 - David Dellafiora
Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - Beltran Laguna
Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - Eberhardt Janke Janus Edition
Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - Zoe Snyder
Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - Patrizia Tictac
Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - my contribution
Journal Of Field Study International - my contribution: 100 sheets of

Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017

Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - cover

Journal Of Field Study International l - Field Report 2017 - David Dellafiora

Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - Beltran Laguna

Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - Eberhardt Janke Janus Edition

Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - Zoe Snyder

Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - Patrizia Tictac

Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - my contribution

Journal Of Field Study International - my contribution: 100 sheets of "Postseason in China"

Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 thumbnail
Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - cover thumbnail
Journal Of Field Study International l - Field Report 2017 - David Dellafiora thumbnail
Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - Beltran Laguna thumbnail
Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - Eberhardt Janke Janus Edition thumbnail
Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - Zoe Snyder thumbnail
Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - Patrizia Tictac thumbnail
Journal Of Field Study International - Field Report 2017 - my contribution thumbnail
Journal Of Field Study International - my contribution: 100 sheets of

„Journal Of Field Study International – Field Report 2017“ is an assembling magazine running by David Dellafiora  with plenty of fantastic original works by so many artists all over the world – and I am very pleased to be one of them.

„Journal Of Field Study International – Field Report 2017“ ist ein Assembling Magazin von  David Dellafiora mit vielen fantastischen Originalarbeiten vieler Künstler aus der ganzen Welt – und ich freue mich sehr, dabei zu sein.


Kart No. 79 - Foto by David Dellafiora
Kart No. 79 - Foto by David Dellafiora
Kart No. 79 - Foto by David Dellafiora
This is my entry:

Kart No. 79 - Foto by David Dellafiora

Kart No. 79 - Foto by David Dellafiora

Kart No. 79 - Foto by David Dellafiora

This is my entry: "My heart beats for ... What does your heart beat for?" - Lino print

Kart No. 79 - Foto by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Kart No. 79 - Foto by David Dellafiora  thumbnail
Kart No. 79 - Foto by David Dellafiora  thumbnail
This is my entry:

Und los geht´s! KART Nr. 79 ist da! Ich freue mich sehr, bei KART Nr. 79 dabei zu sein.
KART ist ein Sammelmagazin in einer Box, in einer jeweils limitierten Auflage von 40 Stück produziert, jede Box enthält Arbeiten von 15 Künstlern. KART ist eine Kooperation zwischen Karingal und Field Study International. (Quelle: Field Study International von David Dellafiora) Eine limitierte Anzahl von Kart 79 stehen zum Verkauf, jede Unterstützung hilft das Projekt fortzuführen.

And here we go: KART No. 79 is here! I am very pleased to be able to participate in KART No. 79. „KART [is] an instant art collection in a box …  produced in limited editions of 40, each box containing works by 15 artists. … KART is published as collaboration between Karingal and Field Study International.“ (Source: Field Study International running by David Dellafiora) „Limited number of Kart 79 for sale, all support help with postage and keeping the publication going.“

Teilnehmer/ Contributers in No. 79:
Australia Manuela Bortoletto • David Dellafiora • Susan Hartigan • Teresa Lawrence • Marcus Lovell • Donna McInnes • Melanie Saleh • Zoe Snyder Belgium Thierry Tillier Germany Uli Grohmann • Siggi Liersch • Peter Müller • Jürgen O. Olbrich • Sabine Remy ItalyVittore Baroni • Daniele Virgilio Mexico: Emilio Carrasco SpainAntonio Gomez • Miguel Jimenez USA John M. Bennett

Zine in a box (2)

Dada is my mother tongue 1 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 2 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 3 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 4 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 5 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 6 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 7 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 8 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 9 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 10 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 11 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 12 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 13 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 14 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 15 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 16 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 17 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 18 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 19 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 20 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 21 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 22 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 23 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 24 of 25
Dada is my mother tongue 25 of 25
Zine in a box Dada is my mother tongue all together

Dada is my mother tongue 1 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 2 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 3 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 4 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 5 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 6 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 7 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 8 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 9 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 10 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 11 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 12 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 13 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 14 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 15 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 16 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 17 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 18 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 19 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 20 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 21 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 22 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 23 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 24 of 25

Dada is my mother tongue 25 of 25

Zine in a box Dada is my mother tongue all together

Dada is my mother tongue 1 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 2 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 3 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 4 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 5 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 6 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 7 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 8 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 9 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 10 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 11 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 12 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 13 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 14 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 15 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 16 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 17 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 18 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 19 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 20 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 21 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 22 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 23 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 24 of 25 thumbnail
Dada is my mother tongue 25 of 25 thumbnail
Zine in a box Dada is my mother tongue all together thumbnail

Für Ptrzia TIC TAC und ihr ”Zine in a Box” Mail Art Projekt habe ich erneut 25 DinA5 große Originalarbeiten erstellt. Jeder Teilnehmer (inges. 25) erhält später eine Original-Editions-Box mit je einer Originalarbeit der anderen Teilnehmer. Ich freue mich schon jetzt darauf!

Once again I produced 25 original collages in A5 size for Ptrzia TIC TAC´s  “Zine in a Box” mail art project. Each participant (25 all in all) will receive an  original edition´s box including one original work per participant. I´m already looking forward to it.

Dada 100

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEYh10lYXWU‘]

Ich habe erneut bei Susanna Lakners Sammelmagazin „22“ – „Dada 100″mitgemacht. Danke Susanna für die Einladung! Hat mich sehr gefreut!
Hier kannst du meinen Beitrag sehen.
Weiterhin haben teilgenommen:
Mikula Lüllwitz (Germany), Petra Lorenz(Germany), Allan Bealy (USA), Bálint Szombathy (Hungary), Bruno Sourdin (France), Renata Strada & Giovanni Strada (Italy), Angela Behrendt (Germany), Laurence Gillot-Artpostaliste (France), Vittore Baroni (Italy), Rémy Penard (France), David Dellafiora (Australia), Frank Voigt (Germany), RF Côté (Canada), Siggi Liersch (Germany), Vizma Bruns aka Sparkle Brown (Australia), Susannia Bildschneiderei – Susanna Lakner (Germany), Svenja Wahl aka Lottchen Echo (Germany), Volker Lenkeit (Germany), Koji Nagai (Japan), Jürgen O. Olbrich (Germany), Stefan Heuer (Germany) and last but not least Sabine Remy – das bin ich – (Germany),

I took part again in Susanna Lakner´s assembling magazine „22“ – „Dada 100“. Thank you very much Susanna for the invitation – much appreciated!
Here you can see my contribution.
with the participation of:
Mikula Lüllwitz (Germany), Petra Lorenz(Germany), Allan Bealy (USA), Bálint Szombathy (Hungary), Bruno Sourdin (France), Renata Strada & Giovanni Strada (Italy), Angela Behrendt (Germany), Laurence Gillot-Artpostaliste (France), Vittore Baroni (Italy), Rémy Penard (France), David Dellafiora (Australia), Frank Voigt (Germany), RF Côté (Canada), Siggi Liersch (Germany), Vizma Bruns aka Sparkle Brown (Australia), Susannia Bildschneiderei – Susanna Lakner (Germany), Svenja Wahl aka Lottchen Echo (Germany), Volker Lenkeit (Germany), Koji Nagai (Japan), Jürgen O. Olbrich (Germany), Stefan Heuer (Germany) and last but not least Sabine Remy – it´s me – (Germany),