“Under Water Love”
Collaboration-Collage with Vivienne Strauss and me
11a/2014 – 25,2 x 20,2 cm
And this was Vivienne´s starter:
Schlagwort-Archive: Collaboration
Collaboration with Vivienne Strauss (10)
“Welcome to Arizona”
Collaboration-Collage with Vivienne Strauss and me
10/2014 – 30 x 24,7 cm
And this was Vivienne´s starter:
Collaboration with Susanna Lakner (8)
„Aus dem Nichts -Erfahrungen jenseits von Raum und Zeit“
„From Scratch – Experiences Beyond Space And Time“
Collage-Collaboration-Booklet by Susanna Lakner and Sabine Remy
started by me, finished by Susanna
8/2014 – 15 x 40 cm
Und hier vorher undnachher / And here is the before and after:
Collaboration with Mr. Moltonium (8)
„Make Love Not War“
Collaboration-Collage with Mr. Moltonium and me 8/ 2013 – 2014
28,2 x 19 cm
And was is Mr. Moltonium´s starter:
Collaboration with Lynn Slordal (20)
“Mary Garden as Le Jongleur and her spectacular hamster”
Collaboration-Collage with Lynn Skordal and me 20/2014
30,5x 23,8 cm
And this was Lynn´s starter:
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (19)
„Il y a des fleurs partout pour qui vent bien les voir“ Matisse
„There are always flowers for those who want to see them.“
Collaboration-Collage with Lynn Skordal and me 19/2014
27,4 x 20,7 cm
And this was my starter:
Collaboration with Vivienne Strauss (9)
“Just desserts ”
Collaboration-Collage with Vivienne Strauss and me
9/2014 – 26,5 x 22,7 cm
And this was my starter:
Collaboration with Vivienne Strauss (7)
“She sought shoes and shells at the seashore”
Collaboration-Collage with Vivienne Strauss and me
7/2014 – 29,8 x 20,9 cm
And this was my starter:
Collaboration with Mr. Moltonium (9 – 11)
„The Big Deal“
Collaboration-Collage with Mr. Moltonium and me 9 – 11/ 2013 – 2014
20,3 x 48,3 cm
And these are the starters Mr. Moltonium send me
Group Collaboration
Deutsche Version siehe unten.
I dissected a collective volume of the magazine „Stern“ (Star) from 1966, Vol. 31 – 43 and prepared some starters for a first group-collab to which I invited by surprise 14 friends out of 9 countries. Every participant received one starter
– in 21 x 29,7 cm / 8,27 x 11.69 inches (A 4)
– with one black and white image out of the collective Stern-volume
– and with one colored piece out of my left over collection
– to do what ever they like to finish the collage.
After receiving the finished collages back I´m going to post them here.
And these are my collage-pals I´ve invited (in alphabetical order):
Bricolagelife, Gloria Supatra Bhargava, Josephine, Lynn Skordal, Maartje Jaquet, Marko Novosel, Michael Leigh, Mister Moltonium, Norika Nienstedt, Risa Profana, Sacha Cohen Tanugi, Susanna Lakner, Susanne Breuss, Vivienne Strauss
from Austria, Colombia, Croatia, France, Germany, Netherlands, Thailand, UK, USA.
And now I am curious about who is taking part in this fun!
Here are all the starters together:
alle Starter zusammen
Deutsche Version:
Ich habe ein Sammelband vom Stern-Magazin 1966, Bd. 31-43 zerlegt und daraus Starter gemacht für eine erste Gruppen-Zusammenarbeit, zu der ich überraschungsmäßig 14 Freunde aus 9 Ländern eingeladen habe. Jeder Teilnehmer erhält einen Starter
– in der Größe 21 x 29,7 cm / 8,27 x 11.69 inches (A 4)
– mit einem schwarz-weiß Bild aus dem Stern-Sammelband
– und einem Color-Bild aus meiner Reste-Schnipsel-Sammlung
– um damit zu tun was immer er/ sie möchte, bis die Collage fertig ist.
Die fertiggestellten Collagen werde ich dann hier posten.
Und hier sind meine Collage-KollegInnen, die ich eingeladen habe – in alphabetischer Reihenfolge:
Bricolagelife, Gloria Supatra Bhargava, Josephine, Lynn Skordal, Maartje Jaquet, Marko Novosel, Michael Leigh, Mister Moltonium, Norika Nienstedt, Risa Profana, Sacha Cohen Tanugi, Susanna Lakner, Susanne Breuss, Vivienne Strauss
aus Deutschland, England, Frankreich, Kolumbien, Kroatien, den Niederlanden, Thailand, Österreich, USA.
Und nun bin ich gespannt, wer mitmacht!