„Modenschau“ „Fashionshow“
Collaboration 08/2016 started by me finished by Chrissy
27,3 x 20,9 cm
Schlagwort-Archive: Collaboration
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (47)
“Treasure Hunters – Schatzsucher”
Collaboration 47/2016 by Lynn Skordal and me
29,6 x 20,6 cm
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (46)
“Die Legende von Frau Locompany – The Saga of Miss Locompany”
Collaboration 46/2016 by Lynn Skordal and me
27,9 x 24,4 cm
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (45)
„An Evening on The Veranda“
Collaboration 45/2016 by Lynn Skordal and me
24,3 x 33,5 cm
Collaboration with Allan Bealy (2)
Collage Collaboration 02/2016 started by Allan Bealy, finished by me
22 x 14,4 cm
Collagistes Collective
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaOHZVnL8qU‘]
I´m a member of the facebook-group „Collagistes Collective“ where members upload their works regularly. Here is a selection, compiled by Tony Gohagan. Thanks for choosing the collaboration work by Lynn Skordal and me, Tony!
Ich bin Mitglied in der Facebook-Gruppe „Collagistes Collective„, in der Mitglieder regelmäßig ihre Arbeiten posten. Hier ist eine Auswahl, die Tony Gohagan zusammengestellt hat – eine Arbeit von Lynn Skordal und mir ist auch dabei. Vielen Dank, Tony!
Der kleine Tierfreund
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MNycRgazU0&feature=em-upload_owner‘]
Ich habe an Svenja Wahls Magazin-Projekt „Der kleine Tierfreund“ teilgenommen.
„Der kleine Tierfreund“ ist ein deutsches Kindermagazin rund um das Thema Tiere von A wie Ameise bis Z wie Zebra. 14 Künstler wurden eingeladen, Titelblätter und andere Seiten der Editionen von 1965 bis 1977 zu gestalten. Vielen Dank Svenja für Deine Einladung und für diesen wundervollen Druck! Es hat mir viel Spaß gemacht, daran teilzunehmen!
Hier und hier kannst Du meine Beiträge sehen.
Liste der Teilnehmenden: Svenja Wahl (Germany), Vizma Bruns (Australia), Carina Granlund (Finland), David Stafford (USA), Stefan Frank (Germany), Deborah Stevenson (USA), Gina Ulgen (United Kindom), liketelevisionsnow (USA), Angie Cope and Snooky (USA), Patrizia PC(TICTAC) (Germany), Rebecca Guyver (United Kingdom), Susanna Lakner (Germany), Nancy Bell Scott (USA) and Sabine Remy (that´s me 😉 (Germany)
I took part in „Der kleine Tierfreund“ („The little animal lover“). A zine project of Svenja Wahl.
„Der kleine Tierfreund“ is a German magazine for children featuring articles, news and photos of animals from A like Ant to Z like Zebra. 14 artists were asked to work on the old pages of editions from 1965 to 1977. Thank you very much Svenja for your invitation and this wonderful print! It was much fun to participate!
Here and here you can see my contributions.
Collaboration with Zach Collins (1)
Collaboration 1/2016 with Zach Collins
15,2 x 10,2 cm – untitled
Started by Zach (left) finished by me (right)
Collaboration with Itchi (2)
Collaborations with Mr. Moltonium
(24 – 26)
„Analogue Ourobouros“
Collaboration 24/2015 started by me, finished by Mr. Moltonium
(before and after)
Collaboration 25/2015 started by me, finished by Mr. Moltonium
(before and after)
„Bird Brain Boss“
Collaboration 26/2015 started by me, finished by Mr. Moltonium
(before and after)