“Prom Queen”
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal 59/2016
26,3 x 17,9 cm
Schlagwort-Archive: Collaboration
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (58)
„Lovesong in Venice“
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal 58/2016
21,6 x 25,6 cm
Some Mail Art
Ich habe wunderbare Mail Art erhalten von Vittore Baroni – Italien (oben links), Vizma Bruns – Australien (oben rechts), Alison Kurke – Italien (unten links) und Susan Ringler – USA (unten rechts) mit sehr netten Zeilen, den fertiggestellten Teilen für das Gruppen-Kollaboration-Projekt „The World Wide Spread Memo Game“, original Kunstwerken, Startern für neue Zusammenarbeiten und Geschenke. Vielen Dank, liebe Freunde, dass Ihr mir so schöne Post geschickt habt!
I received some wonderful mail art from Vittore Baroni – Italy (top left), Vizma Bruns – Australia (top right), Alison Kurke – Italy (bottom left) and Susan Ringler – USA (bottom right) – including kind words, the finished pieces for the group-collaboration-project „The World Wide Spread Memo Game“, original art works, some starters for new collars and some gifts. Thank you so much friends for sending me so wonderful letters!
Art X Mail mit Frank Voigt (1)
Art X Mail (1) started by Frank Voigt (right side) – finished by me (left side)
36 x 43 cm
Collaboration with Chrissy (13)
Trust in your failures – Vertraue deinen Fehlern
Collaboration with Chrissy 13/2016
29,4 x 21,3 cm
Collaboration with Gina Ulgen (2)
„This is why the world is full of color!“
Collaboration No2/2016 by Gina Ulgen and me
23,5 x 16,5 cm
Collaboration with Gina Ulgen (1)
Collaboration No1/2016 by Gina Ulgen and me
26,4 x 19,1 cm
Collaboration with Mr. Moltonium (12)
Collaboration 12/2014 (and old one – but never posted)
started by me and finished by Mister Moltonium
Collaboration with Allan Bealy (5 and 6)
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (57)
Collaboration 57/2016 by Lynn Skordal and me
29 x 21,8 cm