„A Contemporary Dress Inspired by Velasquez“
Tricollage No.44/ 2017
29 x 23,8 cm
Started by Lynn Skordal, continued by me, finished by Josephine
Schlagwort-Archive: Collaboration
Tricollage (43)
„The Inside and The Outside“
Tricollage No.43/ 2017
29 x 23,8 cm
Started by Lynn Skordal, continued by Josephine, finished by me
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (75)
„Universal Emergency Fish Supply Transmitter and Two-Way Receiver“
Collaboration No75/2017 by Lynn Skordal and me
this time started by me, finished by Lynn
28,6 x 22,3 cm
Collaboration with Vizma Bruns
Collaboration (5-8) with Vizma Bruns 04/2017
Vizma send me four started postacards in August 2016 – and I finished them lately.
More haste less speed 😉
Vizma hat mit August 2016 4 Postkarten-Starter geschickt – und ich habe sie kürzlich zu Ende gemacht: Gut Ding will Weile haben. 😉
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (74)
Tanz um das Goldene Kalb – Dance Around the Golden Calf
Collaboration with my friend Lynn Skordal No.74/2017
29,6 x 17,8 cm
below: Lynn´s starter on the left – the finished one on the right
Art X Mail
Frank Voigt – me – Volker Lenkeit
Mein Beitrag (oben) zu „Art X Mail“ – begonnen von Frank Voigt (unten, linke Seite), zu mir gesendet um sie fortzusetzen und an Volker Lenkeit zu schicken, damit er die letzte Seite gestalten kann, um sie dann zurück an Frank zu schicken.
Jede Seite 24 x 20,5 cm
My contribution (above) to „Art X Mail“ – started by Frank Voigt (below, lefts side), sended to me to continue and now on the way to Volker Lenkeit to finish the last page and to send back to Frank.
Each side 24 x 20,5 cm
The Flying Glue Book Project
Ich bin Mitglied der Facebookgruppe The Flying Glue Book Project: Mehrere handgemachte Bücher sind aug dem Weg zu Collagisten auf der ganzen Welt, die jeweils eine Doppelseite gestalten und dann zum nächsten schicken. Ich habe ein ganz neues handgemachtes Buch von Ted Tollefson geschickt bekommen (13,5 x 9,7 cm), meine Seiten gestaltet und schicke es nun zu Susanna Lakner, die die Nächsten in der Reihe ist.
I´m a member of the Facebook group The Flying Glue Book Project: Several handmade books are on their way to collagists all over the world to complete one double page and send forward to the next. I received a brand new handmade book (13,5 x 9,7 cm) from Ted Tollefsen , finished my pages and send them to Susanna Lakner, who is next in line.
Collaboration with Lottchen Echo aka Svenja Wahl (5)
Collaboration with Lottchen Echo aka Svenja Wahl (4)
Collaboration with Chrissy (20)
Am Set – At the Set
Collaboration with Chrissy 20/2017
26,4 x 18,8 cm
started by Chrissy – finished by me