Incoming Mail Art

Incoming from Reina Huges all together
Incoming from Reina Huges 1
Incoming from Reina Huges 2
Incoming from Reina Huges 3
Incoming from Reina Huges 4
Incoming from Reina Huges 5
Incoming from Reina Huges 6
Incoming from Reina Huges 7
Incoming Petra Lorenz November 2018
Incoming from Carina Granlund November 2018
Incoming Carina Granlund November 2018 -
Mail Art from Susanna Lakner (Twin Books - more details coming soon), Petra Lorenz, (Art X Mail large scale starter and Twin Book - more details coming soon), RF Cote - more details coming soon
Incoming from R.F. Cote October 2018
Incoming from R.F. Cote October 2018 backside
Incoming from Waldemar Strempler - all together
Incoming from Waldemar Strempler - von ihm entworfene Plakate fuer die Stiftung Preussische Schloesser und Gaerten Berlin-Brandenburg
Incoming von Waldemar Strempler - Theodor Fontane Die Pfaueninsel und Sacrow

Incoming from Reina Huges all together

Incoming from Reina Huges 1

Incoming from Reina Huges 2

Incoming from Reina Huges 3

Incoming from Reina Huges 4

Incoming from Reina Huges 5

Incoming from Reina Huges 6

Incoming from Reina Huges 7

Incoming Petra Lorenz November 2018

Incoming from Carina Granlund November 2018

Incoming Carina Granlund November 2018 -

Mail Art from Susanna Lakner (Twin Books - more details coming soon), Petra Lorenz, (Art X Mail large scale starter and Twin Book - more details coming soon), RF Cote - more details coming soon

Incoming from R.F. Cote October 2018

Incoming from R.F. Cote October 2018 backside

Incoming from Waldemar Strempler - all together

Incoming from Waldemar Strempler - von ihm entworfene Plakate fuer die Stiftung Preussische Schloesser und Gaerten Berlin-Brandenburg

Incoming von Waldemar Strempler - Theodor Fontane Die Pfaueninsel und Sacrow

Incoming from Reina Huges all together thumbnail
Incoming from Reina Huges 1 thumbnail
Incoming from Reina Huges 2 thumbnail
Incoming from Reina Huges 3 thumbnail
Incoming from Reina Huges 4 thumbnail
Incoming from Reina Huges 5 thumbnail
Incoming from Reina Huges 6 thumbnail
Incoming from Reina Huges 7 thumbnail
Incoming Petra Lorenz November 2018 thumbnail
Incoming from Carina Granlund November 2018 thumbnail
Incoming Carina Granlund November 2018 - thumbnail
Mail Art from Susanna Lakner (Twin Books - more details coming soon), Petra Lorenz, (Art X Mail large scale starter and Twin Book - more details coming soon), RF Cote - more details coming soon thumbnail
Incoming from R.F. Cote October 2018 thumbnail
Incoming from R.F. Cote October 2018 backside thumbnail
Incoming from Waldemar Strempler - all together thumbnail
Incoming from Waldemar Strempler - von ihm entworfene Plakate fuer die Stiftung Preussische Schloesser und Gaerten Berlin-Brandenburg thumbnail
Incoming von Waldemar Strempler - Theodor Fontane Die Pfaueninsel und Sacrow thumbnail

Wonderful bunch of mail art I received lately from Reina Huges, Petra Lorenz, R.F. Côté, Susanna Lakner, Carina Granlund und Waldemar Strempler. It´s always fun to open my mailbox. Many thanks, dear friends.

In der letzten Zeit habe ich wunderschöne Mail Art bekommen von Reina HugesPetra LorenzR.F. CôtéSusanna LaknerCarina Granlund and Waldemar Strempler. Es macht immer wieder Spaß, meinen Briefkasten zu öffnen. Vielen Dank, liebe Freunde!

Leporellation 1

Leporellation No1 started by Volker Lenkeit and continued by Petra Lorenz and me so far
Leporellation No1 back
Leporellation No1 Volker Lenkeit Petra Lorenz Sabine Remy
Leporellation No1 started by Voker Lenkeit
Leporellation No1  continued by Petra Lorenz
Leporellation No1  my own part
Leporellation No1 Volker Lenkeit, Petra Lorenz,  Sabine Remy now on the way to Kevin Brandtner, Walter Brandtner and finally Frank Voigt
The whole package Petra Lorenz send me - Leporellation No1 and a nice self printed book
Das Zündblättchen 86 - Gerd Phillips Lyrik and Petra Lorenz Graphik
Das Zündblättchen 86 - Gerd Phillips Lyrik and Petra Lorenz Graphik
Das Zündblättchen 86 - Gerd Phillips Lyrik and Petra Lorenz Graphik

Leporellation No1 started by Volker Lenkeit and continued by Petra Lorenz and me so far

Leporellation No1 back

Leporellation No1 Volker Lenkeit Petra Lorenz Sabine Remy

Leporellation No1 started by Voker Lenkeit

Leporellation No1 continued by Petra Lorenz

Leporellation No1 my own part

Leporellation No1 Volker Lenkeit, Petra Lorenz, Sabine Remy now on the way to Kevin Brandtner, Walter Brandtner and finally Frank Voigt

The whole package Petra Lorenz send me - Leporellation No1 and a nice self printed book

Das Zündblättchen 86 - Gerd Phillips Lyrik and Petra Lorenz Graphik

Das Zündblättchen 86 - Gerd Phillips Lyrik and Petra Lorenz Graphik

Das Zündblättchen 86 - Gerd Phillips Lyrik and Petra Lorenz Graphik

Leporellation No1 started by Volker Lenkeit and continued by Petra Lorenz and me so far thumbnail
Leporellation No1 back thumbnail
Leporellation No1 Volker Lenkeit Petra Lorenz Sabine Remy thumbnail
Leporellation No1 started by Voker Lenkeit thumbnail
Leporellation No1  continued by Petra Lorenz thumbnail
Leporellation No1  my own part thumbnail
Leporellation No1 Volker Lenkeit, Petra Lorenz,  Sabine Remy now on the way to Kevin Brandtner, Walter Brandtner and finally Frank Voigt thumbnail
The whole package Petra Lorenz send me - Leporellation No1 and a nice self printed book  thumbnail
Das Zündblättchen 86 - Gerd Phillips Lyrik and Petra Lorenz Graphik thumbnail
Das Zündblättchen 86 - Gerd Phillips Lyrik and Petra Lorenz Graphik thumbnail
Das Zündblättchen 86 - Gerd Phillips Lyrik and Petra Lorenz Graphik thumbnail

Collaborative project ,started by Volker Lenkeit.

3. Round Catalog Art Exchange

Vor einiger Zeit habe ich mit dem Tauschen meines Kataloges begonnen. Hier zeige ich nun diesmal, was ich mit LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera, TICTAC PatriziaEdith Hütter getauscht habe. Es hat mir viel Spaß gemacht, so eine große Tauschaktion zu machen. (Hier und hier  kannst Du die erste und zweite Runde sehen.)

A while ago I’ve started trading my catalog – and this is with whom I traded and what I got from LuEllen Joy Miller-GieraTICTAC Patrizia, Edith Hütter It was much fun for me to do such a huge trading and I got wonderful art from you, my dear friends. (Here and here you can see the 1. and 2. trading round.)

TicTac Patrizia all together
TicTac Patrizia original artist book
TicTac Patrizia original artist book cover
TicTac Patrizia original artist book 1
TicTac Patrizia original artist book 2
TicTac Patrizia Collage
Edith Hütter all together
Edith Hütter 1
Edith Hütter 2
Edith Hütter 3
LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera all together
LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera Collage print
LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera APC
LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera plenty of goodies

TicTac Patrizia all together

TicTac Patrizia original artist book

TicTac Patrizia original artist book cover

TicTac Patrizia original artist book 1

TicTac Patrizia original artist book 2

TicTac Patrizia Collage

Edith Hütter all together

Edith Hütter 1

Edith Hütter 2

Edith Hütter 3

LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera all together

LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera Collage print

LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera APC

LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera plenty of goodies

TicTac Patrizia all together thumbnail
TicTac Patrizia original artist book thumbnail
TicTac Patrizia original artist book cover thumbnail
TicTac Patrizia original artist book 1 thumbnail
TicTac Patrizia original artist book 2 thumbnail
TicTac Patrizia Collage thumbnail
Edith Hütter all together thumbnail
Edith Hütter 1 thumbnail
Edith Hütter 2 thumbnail
Edith Hütter 3 thumbnail
LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera all together thumbnail
LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera Collage print thumbnail
LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera APC thumbnail
LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera plenty of goodies thumbnail

Die ungleichen Zwillinge
mit Allan Bealy (2 von 2)

The Unequal Twins - Collaboration by Allan Bealy and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - Cover
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - double page 1
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book BV
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 1
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 2
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 3
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 4
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 5
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 1
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 2
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 3
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 4
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 5

The Unequal Twins - Collaboration by Allan Bealy and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - Cover

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - double page 1

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book BV

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 1

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 2

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 3

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 4

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 5

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 1

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 2

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 3

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 4

The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 5

The Unequal Twins - Collaboration by Allan Bealy and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - Cover thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - double page 1 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book BV thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 1 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 2 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 3 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 4 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - the other side of the accordion book - part 5 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 1 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 2 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 3 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 4 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Allan Bealy finished by me - one side of the accordion book - part 5 thumbnail

Allan Bealy und ich haben das erste Buchzwillingspaar vollendet.
Zwei gleiche Bücher – in diesem Fall „Die schönsten Legenden des heiligen Franz“ – Nr. 70 der Insel Bücherei als Ausgangsmaterial. Jeder von uns hat ein Buch gestartet und der andere hat es beendet.
Hier nun sind beide Videos zu sehen von den fertigen Zwillingsbüchern – sowie Fotos von dem zweiten Zwillingsbuch. Das erste habe ich im vorherigen Artikel bereits gezeigt.
Ich muss sagen: Mein Projekt macht mir Spaß!

Allan Bealy and I have completed the first pair of twin books.
Two identical books – in this case „Die schönsten Legenden des heiligen Franz“ – No. 70 of the Island Library as source material. Each of us started a book and the other finished it.
Now here are both videos of the finished twin books – as well as photos of the second twin book. I already showed the first one in the previous article.
I have to say: I enjoy my project!
