Mail from Alison Kurke (UK)

INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - all together - 03-2020
INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - collaged accordion book - 03-2020
INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - opend accordion book - 03-2020
INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - open accordion book 2 - 03-2020
INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - two square collages - 03-2020
Add and Pass Book - Collaborative project by Geronimo Finn

INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - all together - 03-2020

INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - collaged accordion book - 03-2020

INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - opend accordion book - 03-2020

INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - open accordion book 2 - 03-2020

INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - two square collages - 03-2020

Add and Pass Book - Collaborative project by Geronimo Finn

INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - all together - 03-2020 thumbnail
INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - collaged accordion book - 03-2020 thumbnail
INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - opend accordion book - 03-2020 thumbnail
INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - open accordion book 2 - 03-2020 thumbnail
INcoming Mail from Alison Kurke - two square collages - 03-2020 thumbnail
Add and Pass Book - Collaborative project by Geronimo Finn thumbnail

Ich habe wunderbare Post von Alison Kurke bekommen: Sie hat mir das Add&Pass-Buch aus Geronimo Finns Gemeinschaftsprojekt zugeschickt, damit ich daran weiterarbeiten kann, ein wunderbares Akkordeonbuch, das sie kreiert hat, und zwei quadratische Collagen. Vielen Dank, liebe Alison! Was für eine Überraschung, diese wunderbaren Geschenke von dir zu erhalten.

I got wonderful mail from Alison Kurke: She send me the Add&Pass book from Geronimo Finn´s collaborative project to work on, a wonderful accordion book she created and two square collages. Thank you so much, dear Alison! What a surprise to receive these wonderful presents from you.

Art x Mail – Frank Voigt / Sabine Remy

Art x Mail April 2020
started by Frank Voigt (right) finished by me, Sabine Remy (left)
24,8 x 34,8 cm

„art x mail ist ein internationales Mail-Art-Projekt [von Frank Voigt, Petra Lorenz und Volker Lenkeit]. Dieses Projekt ist regelmässig offen für professionelle Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus aller Welt, die am Austausch von Ideen, an gegenseitiger Inspiration und an künstlerischer Zusammenarbeit interessiert sind.
Es existieren mehr als 200 großformatige Briefe von über 40 Künstlern.
Über 50 art x mail-Briefe gingen als Geschenk an die „Neue Sächsische Galerie“ in Chemnitz in die Sammlung. 50 art x mail-Briefe gingen als Schenkung an das Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt/Main in die Sammlung. 50 Kunstpostbriefe gingen an die Sammlung als Geschenk an die ALTANAGalerie TU Dresden“.

english version:
„art x mail is an international mail art project [by Frank Voigt, Petra Lorenz and Volker Lenkeit]. This project is regulary open for professional artists over the world who are interested in exchanging ideas, in mutual inspiration and interested in artistic cooperation / collaboration.
More than 200 large-scale letters from over 40 artists exist.
Over 50 art x mail letters went to the collection as a gift to the „Neue Sächsische Galerie“ in Chemnitz. 50 art x mail letters went to the collection as a gift to the Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt/Main. 50 art x mail letters went to the collection as a gift to the ALTANAGalerie TU Dresden.“ (Source)

Mail from Die Tauschlade

Die Tauschlade - April 2020
Die Tauschlade - April 2020 - Der Blutkreislauf - The Blood Circulation
Die Tauschlade - April 2020 - Das Auge - The Eye
Die Tauschlade - April 2020 - Postcard from M.

Die Tauschlade - April 2020

Die Tauschlade - April 2020 - Der Blutkreislauf - The Blood Circulation

Die Tauschlade - April 2020 - Das Auge - The Eye

Die Tauschlade - April 2020 - Postcard from M.

Die Tauschlade - April 2020 thumbnail
Die Tauschlade - April 2020 - Der Blutkreislauf - The Blood Circulation thumbnail
Die Tauschlade - April 2020 - Das Auge - The Eye thumbnail
Die Tauschlade - April 2020 - Postcard from M. thumbnail

Wunderbare Überraschung! Post von „Die Tauschlade“ – alte Stempel-Matrizen aus dem Schulbestand – „Das Auge“ und „Der Blutkreislauf“. Was für kostbare Schätze! Ich freue mich darauf, sie auszuprobieren. Herzlichen Dank, liebe M.

Wonderful surprise! Mail from „Die Tauschlade“ – old stamp matrices from the school stock – „The Eye“ and „The Blood Circulation“. What precious treasures! I’m looking forward to trying them out. Many thanks, dear M.

Mail Art von Reina Huges (NL)

INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 1
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 2
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 3
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 4
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 5
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 6
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 7
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 8
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 9

INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 1

INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 2

INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 3

INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 4

INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 5

INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 6

INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 7

INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 8

INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 9

INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 1 thumbnail
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 2 thumbnail
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 3 thumbnail
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 4 thumbnail
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 5 thumbnail
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 6 thumbnail
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 7 thumbnail
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 8 thumbnail
INcoming Mail Art from Reina Huges - March 2020- 9 thumbnail

Incoming Mail Art from Reina Huges (NL) with lovely Collages and handcarved stamps. Many thanks Reina for all these treasures!

Mail Art von Reina Huges (NL) mit wunderschönen Collagen und handgeschnittenen Stempeln. Vielen Dank, Reina, für all die Schätze!

Ich bleibe zu Hause / I stay at home

Das (s.o.) ist mein Beitrag zu Maya Lopez Muro´s Aufruf, sich an ihrem Briefmarkenprojekt zu beteiligen.
Sie hat die Briefmarke mit einem zu gestaltenden Innenraum des Hauses an viele Künstler via mail versendet, um diese zu gestalten und an sie zurück zu mailen. Mit den Briefmarken, die sie erhalten hat, stellt sie eine Din A 4 Seite zusammen (s.u.), die veröffentlicht werden, um dann von allen frei gedruckt und verwendet werden zu können. Meine Marke ist in Bogen Nummer 9 dabei – mit vielen anderen Teilnehmern, die Maya auch noch einmal in schriftlicher Form zusammengefasst hat (siehe Ende des Artikels)

This (beginning of the article) is my contribution to Maya Lopez Muro´s call to participate in her stamp project.

She has sent the stamp with an interior of the house to be designed to many artists via mail to design and mail it back to them. With the stamps she received, she put together a Din A 4 page (see above), which will be published and can then be freely printed and used by everyone. My stamp is included in sheet number 9 – with many other participants, which Maya also summarized in written form (see below)

Mail from Joakim Norling – Timglaset (SWE)

Publications by Timglaset running by Joakim Norling
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 1
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 2
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 3
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 4
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 5
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 6
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 7
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 8
Leif Holmstrand - Cephalopods - published by Timglaset - 1
Leif Holmstrand - Cephalopods - published by Timglaset - 2
Leif Holmstrand - Cephalopods - published by Timglaset - 3
Postcard by Luke Bradford - Timglaset Editions 2019

Publications by Timglaset running by Joakim Norling

Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 1

Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 2

Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 3

Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 4

Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 5

Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 6

Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 7

Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 8

Leif Holmstrand - Cephalopods - published by Timglaset - 1

Leif Holmstrand - Cephalopods - published by Timglaset - 2

Leif Holmstrand - Cephalopods - published by Timglaset - 3

Postcard by Luke Bradford - Timglaset Editions 2019

Publications by Timglaset running by Joakim Norling thumbnail
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 1 thumbnail
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 2 thumbnail
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 3 thumbnail
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 4 thumbnail
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 5 thumbnail
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 6 thumbnail
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 7 thumbnail
Michael Orr - palingEnesia - published by Timglaset - 8 thumbnail
Leif Holmstrand - Cephalopods - published by Timglaset - 1 thumbnail
Leif Holmstrand - Cephalopods - published by Timglaset - 2 thumbnail
Leif Holmstrand - Cephalopods - published by Timglaset - 3 thumbnail
Postcard by Luke Bradford - Timglaset Editions 2019 thumbnail

Ich habe Post von Joakim Norling bekommen, Herausgeberin von  Timglaset – Verlag für visuelle Poesie. Wir haben einen kleinen Kunstaustausch gemacht. Eigentlich sollte ich mir aussuchen, welche Publikation ich gerne im Austausch hätte. Obgleich ich schon mit Michael Orr´s „plangEnesia“ geliebäugelt habe, fand ich es spannender, Joakim selbst entscheiden zu lassen, was sie mir gerne schicken möchte.  Und wie wunderbar – Michael´s Publikation war dabei – sowie eine Postkarten mit Kunst von Luke Bradford  und eine weitere Publikation „Cephalopodos“ mit Werken von Leif Holmstrand. Ich bin sehr begeistert! Vielen Dank für dieses wunderbare und großzügige Paket.
Versäume nicht, Timglaset-Homepage zu besuchen, auf der Du fantastische Publikationen finden (und kaufen) kannst.
(völlig freiwillige und unbezahlte Werbung)

english version:
I have received mail from Joakim Norling, editor of Timglaset – publishing house for visual poetry. We had a little art exchange. Actually I should choose which publication I would like to have in exchange. Although I put already an eye on Michael Orr’s „plangEnesia“, I found it more exciting to let Joakim decide for herself what she would like to send me.  And how wonderful – Michael’s publication was there – as well as a postcard with art by Luke Bradford and another publication „Cephalopodos“ with works by Leif Holmstrand. I am thrilled! Thank you very much for this wonderful and generous package.
Don’t forget to visit Timglaset homepage where you can find (and buy) fantastic publications.
(completely voluntary and unpaid advertising)

Art X Mail with Frank Voigt – 03/2020

Es macht immer wieder Spaß, bei Art X Mail teilzunehmen!
Gestartet von Frank Voigt (rechts)- beendet von mir (links)
Und heute mit einer mir wirklich wichtigen Botschaft: BLEIBT ZU HAUSE! Es rettet Leben!

It´s always fun to take part in an Art X Mail letter!
Started by Frank Voigt  (right) – finished by me (right)
And today with a message that is really important to me: Stay at home! It saves lives!

Art X Mail 3 2020 STAY THE FUCK HOME
Art x Mail - Incoming 03 - 2020- from Frank Voigt
Incoming 03 - 2020 - Collage by Frank Voigt
Art x Mail - Incoming 03 - 2020 postcard from Frank Voigt

Art X Mail 3 2020 STAY THE FUCK HOME

Art x Mail - Incoming 03 - 2020- from Frank Voigt

Incoming 03 - 2020 - Collage by Frank Voigt

Art x Mail - Incoming 03 - 2020 postcard from Frank Voigt

Art X Mail 3 2020 STAY THE FUCK HOME thumbnail
Art x Mail - Incoming 03 - 2020- from Frank Voigt thumbnail
Incoming 03 - 2020 - Collage by Frank Voigt thumbnail
Art x Mail - Incoming 03 - 2020 postcard from Frank Voigt thumbnail

Brain Cell 1071

Ich freu mich, dass mein „Dada rules the world“ Stempel bei Brain Cell 1071 dabei ist.
Mehr Informationen über das Mail-Art-Projekt „Brain Cell“ von Ryosuke Cohen kann man hier nachlesen.
Unten eine Liste aller Teilnehmer.

I am happy that my „Dada rules the world“ stamp is included with Brain Cell 1071.
More information about the mail art project „Brain Cell“ by Ryosuke Cohen can be found here.
Below a list of all participants.