„Moltonium Reach IV“
Collaboration-Collage by Mr. Moltonium and Miriskum
17/2014 – 29,7 x 21 cm
Schlagwort-Archive: Collaboration
Collaboration with Mr. Moltonium (16)
„Doppel Klown“
Collaboration-Collage by Mr. Moltonium and Miriskum
16/2014 – 28,6 x 20 cm
Collaboration with Mr. Moltonium (15)
“The stolen sunglasses”
Collaboration-Collage with Mr. Moltonium and me 15/ 2014
21,2 x 14,7 cm
Collaboration with Mr. Moltonium (13)
“Laughing is contagious”
Collaboration-Collage with Mr. Moltonium and me 13/ 2014
15,9 x 22,7cm
Collaboration with Mr. Moltonium (14)
Collaboration-Collage with Mr. Moltonium and me 14/2014
27,3 x 19 cm
Collaboration with Josephine (9)
„Gulliver´s Travels“
Collage-Collaboration 9/2014 – 25,5 x 16,5 cm
Collaboration with Josephine – started by me, finished by me her.
This was the starter:
Envelope-Sideproject with Lynn Skordal
Lynn Skordal und ich hatten viel Spaß mit unserem Parallel-Projekt: Den Umschlag, in dem wir immer unsere fertigen Collagen und den neuen Starter hin und her geschickt haben, haben wir nach und nach dekoriert. Das ist das Ergebnis einiger Monate und einiger Briefe. Und unten kann man die Schritt-für-Schritt-Version sehen.
Lynn Skordal and I had some fun by decorating our envelope in which we put our collabs everytime we send each other the finished one and a new starter. This is the result of some months and some mails. And below you can see the step by step version.
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (26)
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (25)
“Cleaning Up The Ocean”
Collage-Collaboration between Lynn Skordal and me
25/ 2014 – 20,6 x 19,8 cm
And this was my starter for Lynn:
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (24)
„On Top“
Collage-Collaboration between Lynn Skordal and me
24/ 2014 – 28,2 x 22,7 cm
And this was Lynn´s starter: