„The Brass Band – aka – The Lost One“
„Die Blaskappel – aka – Die Verlorengegangene“
Collaboration 56/2016 by Lynn Skordal and me
20,4 x 25,4 cm
Schlagwort-Archive: Collaboration
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (55)
“Man in the moon”
Collaboration 55/2016 by Lynn Skordal and me
29 x 22 cm
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (54)
“Man in the moon”
Collaboration 54/2016 by Lynn Skordal and me
32 x 23,4 cm
World Wide Spread Memo Game
„Welt weit verteiltes Memo Spiel“
Ich habe 22 Collage-Kollegen auf der ganzen Welt eingeladen, bei meinem neuen Gruppen-Kollaboration-Projekt mitzumachen. Jeder erhielt ein angefangenes Memo-Paar (siehe oben) mit der Bitte, es zu beenden, mir Scans davon zu mailen, eins der beiden Teile zu behalten und das andere an mich zurück zu schicken. So ist das Memospiel auf der ganzen Welt verteilt.
I invited 22 collage pals all over the world to join my new group-collaboration-project.
Each of them received a pair of started memo tiles (see above) to add something, send me scans of both of them, keep one and to send one back to me. So the memo game is spread all over the world.
Teilnhemer/ Participants:
Vittore Baroni, Allan Bealy, Angela Behrendt, Vizma Bruns, Chrissy, Ryosuke Cohen, Laurence Gillot, Carina Granlund, Josephine, Alison Kurke, Susanna Lakner, Petra Lorenz, Cash Mattock, Koji Nagai, Risa Profana, Susan Ringler, Lynn Skordal, Vivienne Strauß, Ptrzia Tic Tac, Gina Ulgen, Frank Voigt, Svenja Wahl.
Länder / Countries:
Australia, Finnland, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan, Columbia, United Kingdom, USA.
Tricollage-series „Cover up“ (6)
Meet the Meatheads
„Triff die Dummköpfe“
Tricollage-Collaboration between
started by Lynn Skordal
continued by me
and finished by Josephine.
Tricollage-series „Cover up“ (5)
First Aid Cover Up
„First Aid Cover Up“
A collaboration
started by me
continued byJosephine
and finished by Lynn Skordal.
Tricollage-series „Cover up“ (4)
In the garden of delight
„In the Garden of Delight“
Tricollage-Collaboration between
started by me
continued by Lynn Skordal
and finished by Josephine.
Tricollage-series „Cover up“ (3)
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbaVLgV348Q‘]
„Cheers“ – a movable collage
Collaboration between
started by Lynn Skordal
continued by Josephine
and finished by me.
Tricollage-series „Cover up“ (2)
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5EhLQVHhyo&feature=youtu.be‘]
„Abracadabra“ – a movable collage
Collaboration between
Josephine – started with the movable hand –
continued by Lynn Skordal
and finished by me.
Tricollage-series „Cover up“ (1)
It´s all about me
„It´s all about me“
A collaboration between
Josephine – started,
continued by me
and finished by Lynn Skordal.