No40/2016 Tricollage „Exquisite Corpse“
started by Josephine (Head)
continued by Lynn Skordal (Body)
finished by me (Legs)
Schlagwort-Archive: Collaboration
Tricollage (39)
No39/2016 Tricollage „Exquisite Corpse“
started by me (Legs)
continued by Josephine (Head)
finished by Lynn Skordal (Body)
Tricollage (38)
No 38/2016 Tricollage „Exquisite Corpse“
started by me (Head)
continued by Josephine (Body)
finished by Lynn Skordal (Feet)
Tricollage (37)
No37/ 2016 Tricollage „Exquisite Corpse “
started by me (Body)
continued by Josephine (Legs)
finished by Lynn Skordal (Head)
Tricollage (36)
No 36/ 2016 Tricollage „Exquisite Corpse “
started by Lynn Skordal (Head)
continued by me (Body)
finished by Josephine (Legs)
Tricollage (35)
No 35/ 2016 Tricollage „Exquisite Corpse “
started by Lynn Skordal (Bottom)
continued by me (Head)
finished by Josephine (Body)
Tricollage (34)
No 34/ 2016 Tricollage „Exquisite Corpse “
started by Lynn Skordal (Body)
continued by me (Legs)
finished by Josephine (Head)
Zine in a Box – Edition No. 13
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Vielen Dank an Tictac Ptrzia für die Einladung, an ihrem „Zine in a box“ teilzunehmen. „Zine in a Box – Made in Mailart ist ein Kunstmagazin mit Originalarbeiten von internationalen Teilnehmern, zusammengefasst in einer handgemachten Schachtel“. Hier kannst Du meinen Beitrag sehen.
Many thanks to Tictac Ptrzia for inviting me to take part in her „Zine in a box“ -Edition No. 13. „Zine in a Box, Made in Mailart is an art zine with original works from international participants and contained in a box made by hand.“ Here you can see my contribution.
Teilnehmer / Participants of Edition 13: Alexander Limarev, Russia Alfonso Aguado Ortuño, Spain Angela Behrendt, Germany Antonio Gomez, Spain Beltran Laguna, Spain Cheryl Penn, South Africa Cesar Reglero Campos, Spain Dame Mailarta, Canada David Dellafiora, Australia Emilio Morandi, Italy Ferran Destemple, Spain Giancarlo Da Lio, Italy Joaquin Gomez, Spain Jürgen O. Olbrich, Germany Laurence Gillot, France Picasso Gaglione, USA Roberto Scala, Italy Sabine Remy, Germany Tiziana Baracchi, Italy Thorsten Fuhrmann, Germany Torill Elizabeth Larsen, Norway Vittore Baroni, Italy Ptrzia(TICTAC), Germany
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (68)
“Pattern are always en vogue”
Collaboration 68/2017 started by Lynn Skordal and finished by me
19,7 x 27 cm
Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (67)
“From The Wish Book”
Collaboration 67/2017 started by me and finished by Lynn Skordal
25,7 x 19,9 cm
Lynn wrote me something about the Wish Book: „The „Wish Book“ is a nickname for old catalogs from the Sears & Roebuck Company. Everybody read them over and over again and wished for their favorite things. All the images I added are from a 1935 Sears Catalog…“ Therefore this time it´s very interesting to see the before and the after.
Lynn hat mir etwas über das „Wunsch Buch“ geschrieben: „Das „Wunsch Buch“ ist ein Spitzname für einen alten Katalog der Sears & Roebuck Kompanie. Jeder blätterte immer und immer wieder darin und wünschte sich seine favorisierten Dinge! Alle Bilder, die ich hinzugefügt habe kommen aus einem Sears-Katalog von 1935 …“ Deswegen ist es diesmal besonders interessant, das vorher und nachher zu sehen.