Art X Mail – November 2017

I was invited by Frank Voigt to participate again at Art X Mail – Project!
He send me the mail (left), I made my contribution (right side and below) and send it to Kevin Brandtner to fans and sen back to Frank Voigt. and so we created a Collage-Triptych.

Frank Voigt hat mich ernst eingeladen, am Art X Mail Projekt teilzunehmen. Er hat mir seine  Mail Art (links) geschickt, ich habe meine Collage (rechts und unten) ergänzt und an Kevin Brandner gesendet, damit er seinen Teil ergänzen und an Frank Voigt zuschicken kann. So entsteht eine Art Collaboration-Triptychon.

Collaborations with Alison Kurke (23-25)

No23 Sabine Remy and Alison Kurke
No24 Sabine Remy and Alison Kurke
No25 Sabine Remy and Alison Kurke

No23 Sabine Remy and Alison Kurke

No24 Sabine Remy and Alison Kurke

No25 Sabine Remy and Alison Kurke

No23 Sabine Remy and Alison Kurke thumbnail
No24 Sabine Remy and Alison Kurke thumbnail
No25 Sabine Remy and Alison Kurke thumbnail

Collaborations No. 23 – 25 between Alison Kurke and me
almost postcard size

Collaborations with Vizma Bruns (9-18)

No13 - 18 Tarot card sized starter by Vizma Bruns finished by Sabine Remy
No9 Postcard set 1 of 4 started by Sabine Remy finished by Vizma Bruns
No12 Postcard set 4 of 4 started by Sabine Remy finished by Vizma Bruns

No13 - 18 Tarot card sized starter by Vizma Bruns finished by Sabine Remy

No9 Postcard set 1 of 4 started by Sabine Remy finished by Vizma Bruns

No12 Postcard set 4 of 4 started by Sabine Remy finished by Vizma Bruns

No13 - 18 Tarot card sized starter by Vizma Bruns finished by Sabine Remy thumbnail
No9 Postcard set 1 of 4 started by Sabine Remy finished by Vizma Bruns thumbnail
No12 Postcard set 4 of 4 started by Sabine Remy finished by Vizma Bruns thumbnail

Vizma Bruns and I did some postcard – and tatortcard – sized collaborations.

Vizma Bruns und ich haben einige Collabs in Postkarten- und Tarotkartengröße gemacht.

Es war ein sehr produktives Wochenende

Dotted Mail Art all together
Dotted Mail Art
Dotted Mail Art to Petra Lorenz- D
Dotted Mail Art to Laurence Gillot - F
Dotted Mail Art to Volker Lenkest - D
Dotted Mail Art to Olga Lupi - F
Dotted Mail Art to Mano Keller - D
Dotted Mail Art to Frank Voigt - D
Dotted Mail Art to David Dellafiora - AUS
Dotted Mail Art to Carina Granlund - FIN
A bunch of mail October 2017

Dotted Mail Art all together

Dotted Mail Art

Dotted Mail Art to Petra Lorenz- D

Dotted Mail Art to Laurence Gillot - F

Dotted Mail Art to Volker Lenkest - D

Dotted Mail Art to Olga Lupi - F

Dotted Mail Art to Mano Keller - D

Dotted Mail Art to Frank Voigt - D

Dotted Mail Art to David Dellafiora - AUS

Dotted Mail Art to Carina Granlund - FIN

A bunch of mail October 2017

Dotted Mail Art all together thumbnail
Dotted Mail Art  thumbnail
Dotted Mail Art to Petra Lorenz- D thumbnail
Dotted Mail Art to Laurence Gillot - F thumbnail
Dotted Mail Art to Volker Lenkest - D thumbnail
Dotted Mail Art to Olga Lupi - F thumbnail
Dotted Mail Art to Mano Keller - D thumbnail
Dotted Mail Art to Frank Voigt - D thumbnail
Dotted Mail Art to David Dellafiora - AUS thumbnail
Dotted Mail Art to Carina Granlund - FIN thumbnail
A bunch of mail October 2017 thumbnail

„Gepunktete Mail Art“ / „Dotted Mail Art“
9 Originalcollagen, Postkartengröße, genäht ohne Faden, alter Knopf – für:
9 original collages, postcard size, sewed without threads, vintage buttons are going out to

Carina GranlundDavid DellafioraFrank VoigtLaurence Gillot-ArtpostalisteMano KellnerOlga LupiPetra LorenzVolker Lenkeit.

Ein anderer Schwung mit andren und unterschiedlichen Inhalten ist auf dem Weg zu Alison KurkeBabs Bird, Caleb Penman, Chistine AllesJosephine und last but noch least Vizma Bruns.

And there is another bunch with different stuff on it´s  way to Alison Kurke, Babs Bird, Caleb Penman, Chistine Alles, Josephine and last but noch least Vizma Bruns.