Die ungleichen Zwillinge
The Unequal Twins

Ich beginne ein neues Projekt:
Die ungleichen Zwillinge
Ein fortlaufendes Kollaborationsprojekt
Zwei gleiche Bücher aus der Insel Bücherei dienen als Grundlage.
Diese werden von mir zusammengestellt und an den jeweiligen Kollaborationspartner verschickt. Beide gestalten eins der beiden Bücher als Starter, beide beenden das jeweils andere, so dass am Ende zwei Originale Bücher entstanden sind. Jeder erhält sein gestartetes Buch zurück.
Insgesamt habe ich 30 Zwillingspaare verplant – das heißt für mich, dass ich 60 Bücher bearbeiten werde. Das ist eine echte Herausforderung für mich.
Im nächsten Post gebe ich einen ersten Eindruck, wie ich die Bücher gestartet habe und an wen sie versendet wurden.

Übrigens: Diese Insel Bücherei Bücher waren wegen eines Wasserschadens nur noch für den Altpapiercontainer bestimmt. Ich habe sie von einem umsichtigen Antiquar zur wertschätzenden Weiterverarbeitung geschenkt bekommen und ihnen somit ein zweites Leben geschenkt. Alle Bücher sind sehr alt und auf unterschiedliche Weise beschädigt.


english version:
I am starting a new project:
The Unequal Twins
An ongoing collaboration project
Two identical books from the Island Library serve as a basis.
These are compiled by me and sent to the respective collaboration partner. Both design one of the two books as a starter, both finish the other, so that at the end two original books are created. Everyone gets their started book back.
I have planned a total of 30 pairs of twins – which for me means that I will work on 60 books. That’s a real challenge for me.
In the next post I give a first impression of how I started the books and whom I send them.

By the way: These Island Library books were only intended for the waste paper container because of a water damage. I received them as a gift from a prudent antiquarian for further processing and thus gave them a second life. All books are very old and damaged in different ways.

Collaboration with Vizma Bruns (44-49)

No44 und 45 Vizma Bruns and Sabine Remy
No46 und 47 Vizma Bruns and Sabine Remy
No48 und 49 Vizma Bruns and Sabine Remy

No44 und 45 Vizma Bruns and Sabine Remy

No46 und 47 Vizma Bruns and Sabine Remy

No48 und 49 Vizma Bruns and Sabine Remy

No44 und 45 Vizma Bruns and Sabine Remy thumbnail
No46 und 47 Vizma Bruns and Sabine Remy thumbnail
No48 und 49 Vizma Bruns and Sabine Remy thumbnail

Collaboration with Axelle Kieffer (7-11)

No10 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018
No9 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018
No7 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018
No8 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018
No11 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018

No10 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018

No9 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018

No7 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018

No8 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018

No11 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018

No10 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail
No9 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail
No7 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail
No8 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail
No11 Axelle Kieffer and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail

Axelle Kieffer and I continued our (non profit) collaboration with new postcard sized collages – this time started by Axelle and finished by me.

Axelle Kieffer und ich haben unsere (nicht kommerziellen) Zusammenarbeit fortgesetzt – und hier sind die nächsten postkartengroßen Collagen, die wir zusammen gemacht haben – dieses Mal von Axelle begonnen und mir fertiggestellt.

2. Round Catalog Art Exchange

Vor einiger Zeit habe ich mit dem Tauschen meines Kataloges begonnen. Hier zeige ich nun diesmal, was ich mit Heather HarkerGina GeoVolker LenkeitNimfa M. Ursabia und  Frank Voigt getauscht habe. Es hat mir viel Spaß gemacht, so eine große Tauschaktion zu machen. (Hier kannst Du die erste Runde sehen.)

A while ago I’ve started trading my catalog – and this is with whom I traded and what I got from Heather HarkerGina GeoVolker LenkeitNimfa M. Ursabia and  Frank Voigt. It was much fun for me to do such a huge trading and I got wonderful art from you, my dear friends. (Here you can see the 1. trading round.)

Katalog Tausch 2. Runde / 2. round catalog trading
Gina Geo - a bunch of original art works
Gina Geo - original art work 1
Gina Geo - original art work 2
Gina Geo - original art work 3
Gina Geo - original art work 4
Gina Geo  - original art work 5
Gina Geo - original art work 6
Gina Geo - original art work 7
Heather Harker - Original artist book and postcard
Heather Harker - Original artist book
Heather Harker - Original artist book - doublepage 2
Heather Harker - Original artist book - an unfolded doublepage
Heather Harker - Original artist book - doublepage 3
Heather Harker - Original artist book - doublepage
Volker Lenkeit - catalog, original and postcard
Volker Lenkeit - catalog
Volker Lenkeit - catalog, doublepage 10 and 11
Volker Lenkeit - catalog page 23
Volker Lenkeit - postcard
Volker Lenkeit - original art work
Nimfa M. Ursabia - all together
Nimfa M. Ursabia - original postcard
Nimfa M. Ursabia - original postcard
Nimfa M. Ursabia - original postcard
Nimfa M. Ursabia - original postcard
Frank Voigt - MERZ Katalog by Frank Voigt and Wolfgang Petrovsky Editions Karte und Postkarte
Frank Voigt - MERZ Katalog by Frank Voigt and Wolfgang Petrovsky
Frank Voigt - MERZ Katalog by Frank Voigt and Wolfgang Petrovsky - Doppelseite Frank Voigt
Frank Voigt - MERZ Katalog by Frank Voigt and Wolfgang Petrovsky - Doppelseite Wolfgang Petrovsky
Frank Voigt Editions Postkarte
My catalog for trading

Katalog Tausch 2. Runde / 2. round catalog trading

Gina Geo - a bunch of original art works

Gina Geo - original art work 1

Gina Geo - original art work 2

Gina Geo - original art work 3

Gina Geo - original art work 4

Gina Geo - original art work 5

Gina Geo - original art work 6

Gina Geo - original art work 7

Heather Harker - Original artist book and postcard

Heather Harker - Original artist book

Heather Harker - Original artist book - doublepage 2

Heather Harker - Original artist book - an unfolded doublepage

Heather Harker - Original artist book - doublepage 3

Heather Harker - Original artist book - doublepage

Volker Lenkeit - catalog, original and postcard

Volker Lenkeit - catalog

Volker Lenkeit - catalog, doublepage 10 and 11

Volker Lenkeit - catalog page 23

Volker Lenkeit - postcard

Volker Lenkeit - original art work

Nimfa M. Ursabia - all together

Nimfa M. Ursabia - original postcard

Nimfa M. Ursabia - original postcard

Nimfa M. Ursabia - original postcard

Nimfa M. Ursabia - original postcard

Frank Voigt - MERZ Katalog by Frank Voigt and Wolfgang Petrovsky Editions Karte und Postkarte

Frank Voigt - MERZ Katalog by Frank Voigt and Wolfgang Petrovsky

Frank Voigt - MERZ Katalog by Frank Voigt and Wolfgang Petrovsky - Doppelseite Frank Voigt

Frank Voigt - MERZ Katalog by Frank Voigt and Wolfgang Petrovsky - Doppelseite Wolfgang Petrovsky

Frank Voigt Editions Postkarte

My catalog for trading

Katalog Tausch 2. Runde / 2. round catalog trading thumbnail
Gina Geo - a bunch of original art works thumbnail
Gina Geo - original art work 1 thumbnail
Gina Geo - original art work 2 thumbnail
Gina Geo - original art work 3 thumbnail
Gina Geo - original art work 4 thumbnail
Gina Geo  - original art work 5 thumbnail
Gina Geo - original art work 6 thumbnail
Gina Geo - original art work 7 thumbnail
Heather Harker - Original artist book and postcard thumbnail
Heather Harker - Original artist book thumbnail
Heather Harker - Original artist book - doublepage 2 thumbnail
Heather Harker - Original artist book - an unfolded doublepage thumbnail
Heather Harker - Original artist book - doublepage 3 thumbnail
Heather Harker - Original artist book - doublepage thumbnail
Volker Lenkeit - catalog, original and postcard thumbnail
Volker Lenkeit - catalog thumbnail
Volker Lenkeit - catalog, doublepage 10 and 11 thumbnail
Volker Lenkeit - catalog page 23 thumbnail
Volker Lenkeit - postcard thumbnail
Volker Lenkeit - original art work thumbnail
Nimfa M. Ursabia - all together thumbnail
Nimfa M. Ursabia - original postcard thumbnail
Nimfa M. Ursabia - original postcard thumbnail
Nimfa M. Ursabia - original postcard thumbnail
Nimfa M. Ursabia - original postcard thumbnail
Frank Voigt - MERZ Katalog by Frank Voigt and Wolfgang Petrovsky Editions Karte und Postkarte thumbnail
Frank Voigt - MERZ Katalog by Frank Voigt and Wolfgang Petrovsky thumbnail
Frank Voigt - MERZ Katalog by Frank Voigt and Wolfgang Petrovsky - Doppelseite Frank Voigt thumbnail
Frank Voigt - MERZ Katalog by Frank Voigt and Wolfgang Petrovsky - Doppelseite Wolfgang Petrovsky thumbnail
Frank Voigt Editions Postkarte thumbnail
My catalog for trading thumbnail

Collaboration with Lynn Skordal (96)

No96  A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018
No96 - 1 - A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018
No96 - 2 - A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018
No96 - 3 - A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018
No96 - 4 - A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018
No96 - 5 - A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018
No96 - 6 - A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018
No96 - 7 - A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018
No96 - 8 - A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018

No96 A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018

No96 - 1 - A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018

No96 - 2 - A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018

No96 - 3 - A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018

No96 - 4 - A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018

No96 - 5 - A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018

No96 - 6 - A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018

No96 - 7 - A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018

No96 - 8 - A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018

No96  A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail
No96 - 1 - A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail
No96 - 2 - A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail
No96 - 3 - A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail
No96 - 4 - A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail
No96 - 5 - A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail
No96 - 6 - A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail
No96 - 7 - A Set of Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail
No96 - 8 - A Set of  Eight Vintage Button Cards Lynn Skordal and Sabine Remy 2018 thumbnail

Collaboration No 96/ 2018 between Lynn Skordal and me
Lynn send me eight little vintage button cards for me to finish
Lynn hat mir acht alte, kleine Knopfkarten zum fertigstellen geschickt

Collaboration with Stefan Heuer (No. 5-9)

No5 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer
No6 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer
No7 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer
No8 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer
No9 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer

No5 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer

No6 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer

No7 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer

No8 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer

No9 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer

No5 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer thumbnail
No6 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer thumbnail
No7 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer thumbnail
No8 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer thumbnail
No9 Sabine Remy and Stefan Heuer thumbnail

Latest collaborations between Stefan Heuer (finished) and me (started).

Die neuesten Collabs von Stefan Heuer (beendend) und mir (gestartet). f

Collaboration with Sally Wassink (1-6)

No 1 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy
No 2 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy
No 3 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy
No 4 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy
No 5 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy
No 6 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy

No 1 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy

No 2 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy

No 3 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy

No 4 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy

No 5 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy

No 6 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy

No 1 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy thumbnail
No 2 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy thumbnail
No 3 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy thumbnail
No 4 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy thumbnail
No 5 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy thumbnail
No 6 finished Sally Wassink and Sabine Remy thumbnail

Very first collaboration with Sally Wassink from the USA – started by her, finished be my. Three originals went back to her and I kept three .

Die erste Collab mit Sally Wassink aus den USA – von ihre begonnen, von mir beendet. Drei Original sind auf dem Weg an sie, drei habe ich behalten.


Collaboration with Lottchen Echo (7)

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo Titelblatt
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 1. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 2. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 3. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 4. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 5. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 6. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 7. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 8. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 9. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 10. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 11. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 12. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 13. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 14. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 15. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 16. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 17. DS
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo Rueckseite

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo Titelblatt

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 1. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 2. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 3. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 4. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 5. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 6. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 7. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 8. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 9. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 10. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 11. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 12. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 13. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 14. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 15. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 16. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 17. DS

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo Rueckseite

No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo Titelblatt thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 1. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 2. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 3. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 4. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 5. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 6. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 7. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 8. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 9. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 10. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 11. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 12. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 13. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 14. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 15. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 16. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo 17. DS thumbnail
No7 VILAGATLASZ Sabine Remy and Lottchen Echo Rueckseite thumbnail

And this is the second of our two books we – Lottchen Echo (finished) and I (started) – made.
The Titel „VILAGATLASZ“ is Hungarian and means „world atlas“.
Size:16,5 x 13 cm

Und dies ist das zweite der beiden Bücher, die  Lottchen Echo (fertig gestellt) und ich (angefangen) gemacht haben. Der Titel „VILAGATLASZ“ ist ungarisch un bedeutet Weltatlas.
Größe: 16,5 x 13 cm