Die ungleichen Zwillinge
mit Rhed Fawell (1/2)

Das erste von zwei Büchern, die ich im Rahmen meines Kollaborationsprojektes
Die ungleichen Zwillinge bearbeite, ist fertig – dieses Mal mit Rhed Fawell (UK).
Zwei gleiche Bücher aus der Insel Bücherei, vor dem Altpapiercontainer gerettet, dienen als Grundlage und werden von mir an den jeweiligen Kollaborationspartner verschickt. Beide gestalten eins der beiden Bücher als Starter, beide beenden das jeweils andere, so dass am Ende zwei Originale Bücher entstanden sind. Jeder erhält sein gestartetes Buch zurück.
Das ist das Buch, dass ich für Rhed gestartet habe – und sie hat es beendet.
Ausgangsmaterial: Insel Bücherei Nr. 475 Rudolf G. Binding: Die Geliebten – Ausgewählte Gedichte

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 1
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 2
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 3
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 4
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 5
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 6
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 7
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 8
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 9
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 10
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 11
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 12
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 13
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 14
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 16
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 17

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 1

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 2

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 3

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 4

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 5

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 6

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 7

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 8

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 9

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 10

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 11

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 12

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 13

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 14

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 16

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 17

The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 1 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 2 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 3 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 4 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 5 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 6 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 7 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 8 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 9 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 10 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 11 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 12 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 13 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 14 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 16 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins by Sabine Remy and Rhed Fawell - 17 thumbnail

english version:
The first of two books of my collaboration project
The Unequal Twins – this time with Rhed Fawell (UK)- is finished.
Two identical books from the Island Library, saved from the waste paper container, serve as a basis and will be sent by me to the respective collaboration partner. Both design one of the two books as a starter, both finish the other, so that at the end two original books are created. Everyone gets his started book back.
This is the book I started for Rhed– and she finished it.
Basis material: Insel Bücherei No 475 Rudolf G. Binding: Die Geliebten – Ausgewählte Gedichte

Die ungleichen Zwillinge
mit Volker Lenkeit (2/2)

Es ist vollbracht!

Das zweite Buch der Ungleichen Zwillinge mit Volker Lenkeit ist fertig und somit das Zwillingspaar vollständig. Wir haben uns dafür 2 JAHRE Zeit genommen – eine sehr entschleunigte Zusammenarbeit!
In einem vorherigen Artikel habe ich den ersten Zwilling gezeigt, von mir gestartet und von Volker beendet. Hier nun das Buch, das Volker gestartet und ich fertiggestellt habe (Video und Fotos weiter unten). Vielen Dank für´s Mitmachen!
Ausgangsmaterial: Insel Bücherei Nr. 522 Karl Heinz Waggerl – Kalendergeschichten

Dieses Buch ist Teil eines fortlaufenden Kollaborationsprojektes namens „Die ungleichen Zwillinge“, welches ich im Jahr 2018 initiiert habe.
Zwei gleiche Bücher aus der Insel Bücherei dienen als Grundlage.
Diese werden von mir zusammengestellt und an den jeweiligen Kollaborationspartner verschickt. Beide gestalten eins der beiden Bücher als Starter, beide beenden das jeweils andere, so dass am Ende zwei Originale Bücher entstanden sind. Jeder erhält sein gestartetes Buch zurück.

english version:
It’s done!
The second book of the Unequal Twins with Volker Lenkeit is finished and the pair of twins is complete. We took 2 YEARS to do this – a very decelerated collaboration!
In a previous article I showed the first twin, started by me, finished by Volker.
Here is the book Volker started and I finished. Thanks for joining!
Source material: Insel Bücherei No 522 Karl Heinz Waggerl – Kalendergeschichten

This book is part of an ongoing project by me called „The Unequal Twins“, started 2018. Two identical books from the Insel Bücherei (Island Library), saved from the waste paper container, serve as a basis and will be sent by me, Sabine Remy, to the respective collaboration partner. Both design one of the two books as a starter, both finish the other, so that at the end two original books are created. Everyone gets his started book back.

The Unequal Twins Sabine Remy and Volker Lenkeit both together
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Sabine Remy and Volker Lenkeit both together

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy

The Unequal Twins Sabine Remy and Volker Lenkeit both together thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Volker Lenkeit and Sabine Remy thumbnail

Die ungleichen Zwillinge
mit Linda Sandoval (1/2)

Das erste von zwei Büchern, die ich im Rahmen meines Kollaborationsprojektes
Die ungleichen Zwillinge bearbeite, ist fertig – dieses Mal mit Linda Sandoval.
Zwei gleiche Bücher aus der Insel Bücherei, vor dem Altpapiercontainer gerettet, dienen als Grundlage und werden von mir an den jeweiligen Kollaborationspartner verschickt. Beide gestalten eins der beiden Bücher als Starter, beide beenden das jeweils andere, so dass am Ende zwei Originale Bücher entstanden sind. Jeder erhält sein gestartetes Buch zurück.
Das ist das Buch, dass ich für Linda gestartet habe – und sie hat es beendet.
Ausgangsmaterial: Insel Bücherei Nr. 351 – Das Kleine Buch der Tropenwunder

The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - all together
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 1
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 2
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 3
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 4
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 5
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 6
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 7
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 8
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 9

The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - all together

The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 1

The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 2

The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 3

The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 4

The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 5

The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 6

The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 7

The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 8

The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 9

The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - all together thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 1 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 2 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 3 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 4 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 5 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 6 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 7 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 8 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - Started by Sabine Remy finished by Linda Sandoval - 9 thumbnail

english version:
The first of two books of my collaboration project
The Unequal Twins – this time with Linda Sandoval– is finished.
Two identical books from the Island Library, saved from the waste paper container, serve as a basis and will be sent by me to the respective collaboration partner. Both design one of the two books as a starter, both finish the other, so that at the end two original books are created. Everyone gets his started book back.
This is the book I started for Linda – and she finished it.
Basis material: Insel Bücherei No. 351 – Das Kleine Buch der Tropenwunder

Neo Exquisite Corpse (3)

NEC top James Herbst - middle Sabine Remy - bottom Alison Kurke - 2021 bv
NEC top Alison Kurke - middle James Herbs- bottom Sabine Remy - 2021 bv
NEC top Sabine Remy - middle James Herbs- bottom Alison Kurke - 2021 bv

NEC top James Herbst - middle Sabine Remy - bottom Alison Kurke - 2021 bv

NEC top Alison Kurke - middle James Herbs- bottom Sabine Remy - 2021 bv

NEC top Sabine Remy - middle James Herbs- bottom Alison Kurke - 2021 bv

NEC top James Herbst - middle Sabine Remy - bottom Alison Kurke - 2021 bv thumbnail
NEC top Alison Kurke - middle James Herbs- bottom Sabine Remy - 2021 bv thumbnail
NEC top Sabine Remy - middle James Herbs- bottom Alison Kurke - 2021 bv thumbnail

Alison Kurke, James Herbst und ich haben insgesamt neun Exquisite Corpse gemacht. Hier sind die nächsten Drei, angefangen von mir. Jeder von uns hat einen anderen Teil der Collage gemacht – oben, Mitte, unten. In diesem Artikel sind die ersten Drei zu sehen, die James begonnen, und in diesem, die Alison begonnen hat.

Alison Kurke, James Herbst and I did a total of nine Exquisite Corpse. Here are the next three, started by me. Each of us did a different part of the collage – top, middle, bottom. In this article you can see the first three that James started and here the three started by Alison.

The Unequal Twins
Starter to Rhed Fawell

Nach einer langen Pause, in der ich keine weiteren Starter für mein Kollaborationsprojekt „Die ungleichen Zwillinge“ versendet habe, ist es nun wieder soweit.
Hier ist das Starter Set (oben) und mein gestartetes Buch (unten) für Rhed Fawell.
Diese Bücher sind Teil eines fortlaufenden Kollaborationsprojektes namens „Die ungleichen Zwillinge“, welches ich im Jahr 2018 initiiert habe.
Zwei gleiche Bücher aus der Insel Bücherei dienen als Grundlage.
Diese werden von mir zusammengestellt und an den jeweiligen Kollaborationspartner verschickt. Beide gestalten eins der beiden Bücher als Starter, beide beenden das jeweils andere, so dass am Ende zwei Originale Bücher entstanden sind. Jeder erhält sein gestartetes Buch zurück.
Ausgangsmaterial: Insel Bücherei Nr. 475 Rudolf G. Binding: Die Geliebten – Ausgewählte Gedichte

After a long break of not sending out any more starters for my collaboration project „The Unequal Twins“, it’s that time again.
Here are the starter set (image 1) and my started book (image 2) for Rhed Fawell.
These books are part of an ongoing collaboration project called „The Unequal Twins“ that I initiated in 2018.
Two identical books from the Insel library serve as the basis.
These are compiled by me and sent to the respective collaboration partner. Both create one of the two books as a starter, both finish the other, so that in the end two original books are created. Each receives his started book back.
Source Materail: Insel Bücherei Nr. 475 Rudolf G. Binding: Die Geliebten – Ausgewählte Gedichte