The Butterfly Producer
Collage 2017
22,2 x 21 cm
My entry for The Kollage Kit´s theme: Arts and crafts
Archiv der Kategorie: Kollage Kit
Frohe Ostern!
„Osterhase verrät geheime Technik von Ostereierproduktion“
Collage 2017 – 29,5 x 22,2 cm
Mein Beitrag zu The Kollage Kits Wochenthema: Technik
„Easter Bunny betrayed secret technique to produce Easter Eggs“
Collage 2017 – 29,5 x 22,2 cm
My entry for The Kollage Kit´s teem of the week: Technic
Valentine´s Bouquet
Valtentinstags Blumenstrauß
Collage 2017 – 34,1 x 26,4 cm
My entry for The Kollage Kit´s theme: L.O.V.E
Piped Light – Food For Dark Times
we may need for the future
„Leitungslicht – Nahrung für dunkel Zeiten“
Collage – transfer technique – on altered board
24,5 x 17,5 cm
This is „food of some sort“ we may need for the future?!
My entry for The Kollage Kit´s weekly theme
Another Homage to Kurt Schwitters
3D- Collage 2016 – 25,5 x 20,3 cm
My entry for The Kollage Kit´s theme: Homage to one of your favorite artists
Was beim Lesen passiert
What happens when reading
Collage 2016 – 25 x 20,5 cm
My entry for The Kollage Kit´s them of the week: Books
Giant Strawberrytree
Collage 2016
My entry for a The Kollage Kit´s theme
Another Homage to Hannah Höch
Collage 2016 – 30 x 24 cm
My entry for The Kollage Kit´s theme: Homage to one of your favorite artists
Digging for Dada
Collage 2016 – 21 x 29,7 cm
My entry for The Kollage Kit´s theme: 4 of the same kind of thing
Unter den Blinden ist der Einäugige König
„In the country of the blind the one eyed man is king“
Collage 2016 for The Kollage Kit`s theme of the week: Kings & Queens & Establishment 27,8 cm x 18,2 cm