Die ungleichen Zwillinge – Reloaded
mit Michael Leigh (2/2)

Es ist vollbracht!
Das zweite Buch der Ungleichen Zwillinge mit Michael Leigh ist fertig und somit das Zwillingspaar vollständig.
In einem vorherigen Artikel habe ich den ersten Zwilling gezeigt, von mir gestartet und von Michael beendet. Hier nun das Buch, das Michael gestartet und ich fertiggestellt und an ihn zurückgeschickt habe (Video und Fotos am Ende des Artikels Fotos). Vielen Dank für´s Mitmachen!
Ausgangsmaterial: Insel Bücherei Nr. 88 Dantons Tod von Georg Büchner

Dieses Buch ist Teil eines fortlaufenden Kollaborationsprojektes namens „Die ungleichen Zwillinge“, welches ich im Jahr 2018 initiiert habe.
Zwei gleiche Bücher aus der Insel Bücherei dienen als Grundlage.
Diese werden von mir zusammengestellt und an den jeweiligen Kollaborationspartner verschickt. Beide gestalten eins der beiden Bücher als Starter, beide beenden das jeweils andere, so dass am Ende zwei Originale Bücher entstanden sind. Jeder erhält sein gestartetes Buch zurück.
Die Rahmenbedingungen habe ich modifiziert: Bei „Reloaded“ geht es nicht mehr darum, den Buchkörper zu verändern, sondern das entkernte Buch auf dem Umschlag und den verbliebenen Innenseiten zu bearbeiten.

english version:
It’s done!
The second book of the Unequal Twins with Michael Leigh is finished and the pair of twins is complete.
In a previous article I showed the first twin, started by me, finished by Michael.
Here is the book Michael started and I finished. Thanks for joining!
Source material: Insel Bücherei No. 88 Dantons Tod von Georg Büchner

This book is part of an ongoing project by Sabine Remy called „The Unequal Twins“, started 2018. Two identical books from the Insel Bücherei, saved from the waste paper container, serve as a basis and will be sent by me, Sabine Remy, to the respective collaboration partner. Both design one of the two books as a starter, both finish the other, so that at the end two original books are created. Everyone gets his started book back.
I have modified the basic conditions: In „Reloaded“ it is no longer about changing the book body, but about editing the de-inked book on the cover and the left inside pages.

The Unequal Twins Sabine Remy and Michael Leigh both together
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-1
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-2
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-3
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-4
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-5

The Unequal Twins Sabine Remy and Michael Leigh both together

The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-1

The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-2

The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-3

The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-4

The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-5

The Unequal Twins Sabine Remy and Michael Leigh both together thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-1 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-2 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-3 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-4 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Michael Leigh finished by Sabine Remy-5 thumbnail

Die ungleichen Zwillinge – Reloaded
mit Michael Leigh (1/2)

Das erste von zwei Büchern, die ich im Rahmen meines Kollaborationsprojektes
Die ungleichen Zwillinge bearbeite, ist fertig – dieses Mal mit Michael Leigh.
Zwei gleiche Bücher aus der Insel Bücherei, vor dem Altpapiercontainer gerettet, dienen als Grundlage und werden von mir an den jeweiligen Kollaborationspartner verschickt. Beide gestalten eins der beiden Bücher als Starter, beide beenden das jeweils andere, so dass am Ende zwei Originale Bücher entstanden sind. Jeder erhält sein gestartetes Buch zurück.
Die Rahmenbedingungen habe ich modifiziert: Bei „Reloaded“ geht es nicht mehr darum, den Buchkörper zu verändern, sondern das entkernte Buch auf dem Umschlag und den verbliebenen Innenseiten zu bearbeiten.
Das ist das Buch, dass ich für Michael gestartet habe – und er hat es beendet.
Ausgangsmaterial: Insel Bücherei Nr. 88 Dantons Tod von Georg Büchner

The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -1
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -2
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -3
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -4
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -5

The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -1

The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -2

The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -3

The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -4

The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -5

The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -1 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -2 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -3 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -4 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins Reloaded started by Sabine Remy finished by Michael Leigh -5 thumbnail

english version:
The first of two books of my collaboration project
The Unequal Twins – this time with Michael Leigh– is finished.
Two identical books from the Insel Bücherei, saved from the waste paper container, serve as a basis and will be sent by me to the respective collaboration partner. Both design one of the two books as a starter, both finish the other, so that at the end two original books are created. Everyone gets his started book back.
I have modified the basic conditions: In „Reloaded“ it is no longer about changing the book body, but about editing the de-inked book on the cover and the left inside pages.
This is the book I started for Michael – and he finished it.
Basis material: Insel Bücherei No. 88 Dantons Tod von Georg Büchner

The Unequal Twins – Reloaded (2)

Nach einer langen Pause, in der ich keine neuen Starter-Sets für mein Kollaborationsprojekt „Die ungleichen Zwillinge“ versendet sondern erst einmal darauf gewartet habe, dass all jene Bücher, die bereits unterwegs sind, zurückkommen (was aber nicht der Fall ist – 6 Zwillinge, begonnen in 2018, 2019 und Anfang 2020, sind noch nicht vollendet), habe ich nun wieder einige Insel-Bücherei-Zwillinge vorbereitet. Die Rahmenbedingungen habe ich modifiziert: Bei „Reloaded“ geht es nicht mehr darum, den Buchkörper zu verändern, sondern das entkernte Buch auf dem Umschlag und zwei Innenseiten zu bearbeiten. Ich bin auf die Ergebnisse gespannt.
Diese Starter sind unterwegs an: Terry Garrett, Sally Wassink, LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera, Juliette Pestel, RF Côté.
Die ersten sechs Reloaded-Sets gingen kürzlich an: Allan Bealy, Antonio Martin Ferrand, Heather Harker, Katrin Klink, Michael Leigh and Alexander NikoPol.

Die ungleichen Zwillinge ist ein fortlaufendes Kollaborationsprojekt, das ich 2018 begonnen habe.
Zwei gleiche Bücher aus der Insel Bücherei dienen als Grundlage.
Diese werden von mir zusammengestellt und an den jeweiligen Kollaborationspartner verschickt. Beide gestalten eins der beiden Bücher als Starter, beide beenden das jeweils andere, so dass am Ende zwei Originale Bücher entstanden sind. Jeder erhält sein gestartetes Buch zurück.

english version:
After a long break, during which I didn’t send out new starter sets for my collaboration project „The Unequal Twins“, but waited for all those books that were already on their way to come back (which is not the case – 6 twins, started in 2018, 2019 and early 2020, are not finished yet), I have now prepared some Insel Bücherei Twins again. I have modified the basic conditions: In „Reloaded“ it is no longer about changing the book body, but about editing the de-inked book on the cover and two inside pages. I am curious about the results.
These starters are on their way to Terry Garrett, Sally Wassink, LuEllen Joy Miller-Giera, Juliette Pestel, RF Côté.
The first six reloaded sets went on recently: Allan Bealy, Antonio Martin Ferrand, Heather Harker, Katrin Klink, Michael Leigh and Alexander NikoPol.

The Unequal Twins is an ongoing collaborative project th

The Unequal Twins is an ongoing collaborative project that I started in 2018.
Two identical books from the Insel Bücherei serve as a basis.
These will be compiled by me and sent to the respective collaboration partner. Both design one of the books as a starter, both finish the other, so that in the end two original books are created. Everyone gets his started book back.

The Unequal Twins – Reloaded

Nach einer langen Pause, in der ich keine neuen Starter-Sets für mein Kollaborationsprojekt „Die ungleichen Zwillinge“ versendet sondern erst einmal darauf gewartet habe, dass all jene Bücher, die bereits unterwegs sind, zurückkommen (was aber nicht der Fall ist – 6 Zwillinge, begonnen in 2018, 2019 und Anfang 2020, sind noch nicht vollendet), habe ich nun wieder einige Insel-Bücherei-Zwillinge vorbereitet. Die Rahmenbedingungen habe ich modifiziert: Bei „Reloaded“ geht es nicht mehr darum, den Buchkörper zu verändern, sondern das entkernte Buch auf dem Umschlag und zwei Innenseiten zu bearbeiten. Ich bin auf die Ergebnisse gespannt.
Diese Starter sind unterwegs an: Allan Bealy, Antonio Martin Ferrand, Heather Harker, Katrin KlinkMichael Leigh und Alexander NikoPol.

Die ungleichen Zwillinge ist ein fortlaufendes Kollaborationsprojekt, das ich 2018 begonnen habe.
Zwei gleiche Bücher aus der Insel Bücherei dienen als Grundlage.
Diese werden von mir zusammengestellt und an den jeweiligen Kollaborationspartner verschickt. Beide gestalten eins der beiden Bücher als Starter, beide beenden das jeweils andere, so dass am Ende zwei Originale Bücher entstanden sind. Jeder erhält sein gestartetes Buch zurück.

english version:
After a long break, during which I didn’t send out new starter sets for my collaboration project „The Unequal Twins“, but waited for all those books that were already on their way to come back (which is not the case – 6 twins, started in 2018, 2019 and early 2020, are not finished yet), I have now prepared some Insel Bücherei Twins again. I have modified the basic conditions: In „Reloaded“ it is no longer about changing the book body, but about editing the de-inked book on the cover and two inside pages. I am curious about the results.
These starters are on their way to Allan BealyAntonio Martin Ferrand, Heather Harker, Katrin Klink, Michael Leigh and Alexander NikoPol.

The Unequal Twins is an ongoing collaborative project that I started in 2018.
Two identical books from the Insel Bücherei serve as a basis.
These will be compiled by me and sent to the respective collaboration partner. Both design one of the books as a starter, both finish the other, so that in the end two original books are created. Everyone gets his started book back.

Art X Mail – Mai 2020

Collaboration between Frank Voigt and me – May 2020
35,3 x 27,5 cm
Below Frank´s starter / Unten Franks Starter

„art x mail“ ist ein internationales Mail-Art-Projekt. Dieses Projekt ist regelmässig offen für professionelle Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus der ganzen Welt, die am Austausch von Ideen, an gegenseitiger Inspiration und an künstlerischer Kooperation / Zusammenarbeit interessiert sind.
Es existieren mehr als 200 Grossbriefe von über 40 Künstlern.
Über 50 art x mail-Briefe gingen als Geschenk an die „Neue Sächsische Galerie“ in Chemnitz in die Sammlung. 50 art x mail-Briefe gingen als Schenkung an das Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt/Main in die Sammlung. 50 Kunstpostbriefe gingen an die Sammlung als Geschenk an die ALTANAGalerie TU Dresden“. (Quelle)

english version:
„art x mail is an international mail art project. This project is regulary open for professional artists over the world who are interested in exchanging ideas, in mutual inspiration and interested in artistic cooperation / collaboration.
More than 200 large-scale letters from over 40 artists exist.
Over 50 art x mail letters went to the collection as a gift to the „Neue Sächsische Galerie“ in Chemnitz. 50 art x mail letters went to the collection as a gift to the Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt/Main. 50 art x mail letters went to the collection as a gift to the ALTANAGalerie TU Dresden.“ (Source)

Add & Pass – Projekt von Gernomio Finn (AUT)

Kollaboratives Buchprojekt von Geronimo Finn mit dem Titel „Add and Pass“, an dem ich schon einige Male teilgenommen habe. Jeder Teilnehmer erstellt eine Doppelseite und sendet das Buch dann an jemand anderen. Am Ende bekommt Geronimo es zurück. Neulich sagte er mir, er habe, seit er das Projekt begonnen hat, etwa 120 Bücher versendet – und bislang etwa 12 zurückbekommen.
Oben ist ein Überblick mit den Seiten, die bislang gestaltet wurden. Leider haben die „KollegInnen“ so undeutlich geschrieben, dass ich die Namen nicht entziffern kann – sorry Leute! Ich habe es von Alison Kurke (UK) bekommen und an Katja Hübbers weitergeleitet. Und hier ist meine Doppelseite:

und hier alle Seiten:

Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - all together
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - my double page
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 1
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 2
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 3
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 4
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 5
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 6
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - Alison Kurke
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - my contribution

Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - all together

Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - my double page

Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 1

Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 2

Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 3

Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 4

Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 5

Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 6

Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - Alison Kurke

Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - my contribution

Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - all together thumbnail
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - my double page thumbnail
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 1 thumbnail
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 2 thumbnail
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 3 thumbnail
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 4 thumbnail
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 5 thumbnail
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - 6 thumbnail
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - Alison Kurke thumbnail
Add and Pass Sparbuch 3581 - my contribution thumbnail

Collaborative book project by Geronimo Finn entitled „Add and Pass“, in which I have participated several times. Each participant creates a double page and then sends the book to someone else. At the end Geronimo gets it back. The other day he told me that he has sent about 120 books since he started the project – and has received about 12 back so far.
Above is an overview with the pages that have been designed so far. Unfortunately the „colleagues“ have written so unclearly that I can’t decipher the names – sorry guys! I got it from Alison Kurke (UK) and forwarded it to Katja Hübbers.

Die ungleichen Zwillinge
mit Geronimo Finn (1/2)

Das erste von zwei Büchern, die ich im Rahmen meines Kollaborationsprojektes
Die ungleichen Zwillinge bearbeite, ist fertig – dieses Mal mit Geronimo Finn.

Zwei gleiche Bücher aus der Insel Bücherei, vor dem Altpapiercontainer gerettet, dienen als Grundlage und werden von mir an den jeweiligen Kollaborationspartner verschickt. Beide gestalten eins der beiden Bücher als Starter, beide beenden das jeweils andere, so dass am Ende zwei Originale Bücher entstanden sind. Jeder erhält sein gestartetes Buch zurück.
Das ist das Buch, dass Geronimo gestartet hat – und ich habe es beendet.
Ausgangsmaterial: Insel Bücherei Nr. 1 Rainer Maria Rilke – Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 1
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 2
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 3
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 4
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 5
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 6
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 7
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 8
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 9
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 10
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 11
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 12
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 13
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 14
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 15
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 16
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 17
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 18
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 19
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 20
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 21
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 22
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 23

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 1

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 2

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 3

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 4

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 5

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 6

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 7

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 8

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 9

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 10

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 11

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 12

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 13

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 14

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 15

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 16

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 17

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 18

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 19

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 20

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 21

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 22

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 23

The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 1 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 2 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 3 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 4 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 5 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 6 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 7 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 8 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 9 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 10 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 11 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 12 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 13 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 14 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 15 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 16 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 17 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 18 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 19 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 20 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 21 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 22 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Geronimo Finn finished by Sabine Remy - 23 thumbnail

english version:
The first of two books of my collaboration project
The Unequal Twins – this time with Geronimo Finn – is finished.
Two identical books from the Island Library, saved from the waste paper container, serve as a basis and will be sent by me to the respective collaboration partner. Both design one of the two books as a starter, both finish the other, so that at the end two original books are created. Everyone gets his started book back.
This is the book Geronimo started and I finished.
Basis material: Insel Bücherei No.1 Rainer Maria Rilke – Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke