46pgs – Double Issue 7 & 8

Ich freue mich sehr, in @46pgs auf 10 Seiten dabei zu sein.
46pgs ist ein Magazin mit einem grafischen Herz, das von Nevio Buzov @nevio.mrff herausgegeben wird. Layout der Doppelausgabe 7+8 von Scott Cotrell @swi_rl_design.
Es ist fantastisch. Vielen Dank, dass ich dabei sein durfte!
Hol Dir Dein eigenes Exemplar – besuche den Link in @46pgs bio. Es lohnt sich sehr!
(unbezahlte Werbung)

46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8
46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8 - my contributions - 1
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46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8

46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8 - my contributions - 1

46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8 - my contributions - 2

46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8 - my contributions - 3

46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8 - my contributions - 4

46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8 - my contributions - 5

46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8 thumbnail
46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8 - my contributions - 1 thumbnail
46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8 - my contributions - 2 thumbnail
46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8 - my contributions - 3 thumbnail
46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8 - my contributions - 4 thumbnail
46pgs Double Issue 7 and 8 - my contributions - 5 thumbnail

english version:
Super happy to be featured in @46pgs on 10 pages. 46pgs is a magazine with a graphic heart published by Nevio Buzov @nevio.mrff. Double issue 7+8 layout by Scott Cotrell @swi_rl_design . It’s fantastic.
Thank you very much for including me! Get your own copy – check out the link in @46pgs bio. It’s worth it! (unpaid advertising)