Die ungleichen Zwillinge
mit Waldemar Strampler (1 von 2)

Das erste von zwei Büchern, die ich im Rahmen meines Kollaborationsprojektes
Die ungleichen Zwillinge dieses Mal mit Waldemar Strempler bearbeite, ist fertig.
Zwei gleiche Bücher aus der Insel Bücherei, vor dem Altpapiercontainer gerettet, dienen als Grundlage und werden von mir an den jeweiligen Kollaborationspartner verschickt. Beide gestalten eins der beiden Bücher als Starter, beide beenden das jeweils andere, so dass am Ende zwei Originale Bücher entstanden sind. Jeder erhält sein gestartetes Buch zurück.
Das ist das Buch, dass ich für Waldemar Strempler gestartet habe – und er hat es beendet.
Ausgangsmaterial: Insel Bücherei Nr. 1: Reiner Maria Rilke: Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke
Mir gefällt es sehr gut! Vielen Dank an Waldemar für die Kollaboration und dafür, bei meinem Projekt mitzumachen.

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Cover
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 1
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 2
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 3
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 11
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 4
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 5
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 6
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 7
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 8
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 9
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 10
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 12
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - back

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Cover

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 1

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 2

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 3

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 11

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 4

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 5

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 6

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 7

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 8

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 9

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 10

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 12

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - back

The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Cover thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 1 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 2 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 3 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 11 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 4 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 5 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 6 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 7 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 8 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 9 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 10 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - Doublepage 12 thumbnail
The Unequal Twins - started by Sabine Remy finished by Waldemar Strempler - back thumbnail

english version:
The first of two books that I’ve altered as part of my collaboration project
The Unequal Twins – this time with Waldemar Strempler, is finished.
Two identical books from the Island Library, saved from the waste paper container, serve as a basis and will be sent by me to the respective collaboration partner. Both design one of the two books as a starter, both finish the other, so that at the end two original books are created. Everyone gets his started book back.
This is the book I started for Waldemar Strempler – and he finished it.
Raw material: Insel Bücherei Nr. 1: Reiner Maria Rilke: Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke
I like it very much. Many thanks to Waldemar for collaborating and joining my project.