KART 90 by David Dellafiora all together
KART 90  box by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Vizma Bruns for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Vizma Bruns  for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by David Dellafiora book cover for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by David Dellafiora book first double page for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by David Dellafiora book second double page for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by David Dellafiora book third double page for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by David Dellafiora book back side for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Lucy Godycki for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Elvira Juraga for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Zoe Snyder for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Fiona Watkins for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Nada Zero for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Peter Mueller for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Juergen O Olbrich for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Sabine Remy - me myself and I - for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Vittore Baroni for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Dabiele Virgilio for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Torill Elisabeth Larsen for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Antonio Gomez for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Beltran Laguna for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by William Mellott for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
Contribution by Leo Morissey for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora
KART 90 by David Dellafiora the participants

KART 90 by David Dellafiora all together

KART 90 box by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Vizma Bruns for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Vizma Bruns for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by David Dellafiora book cover for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by David Dellafiora book first double page for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by David Dellafiora book second double page for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by David Dellafiora book third double page for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by David Dellafiora book back side for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Lucy Godycki for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Elvira Juraga for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Zoe Snyder for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Fiona Watkins for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Nada Zero for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Peter Mueller for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Juergen O Olbrich for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Sabine Remy - me myself and I - for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Vittore Baroni for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Dabiele Virgilio for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Torill Elisabeth Larsen for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Antonio Gomez for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Beltran Laguna for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by William Mellott for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

Contribution by Leo Morissey for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora

KART 90 by David Dellafiora the participants

KART 90 by David Dellafiora all together thumbnail
KART 90  box by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Vizma Bruns for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Vizma Bruns  for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by David Dellafiora book cover for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by David Dellafiora book first double page for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by David Dellafiora book second double page for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by David Dellafiora book third double page for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by David Dellafiora book back side for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Lucy Godycki for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Elvira Juraga for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Zoe Snyder for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Fiona Watkins for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Nada Zero for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Peter Mueller for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Juergen O Olbrich for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Sabine Remy - me myself and I - for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Vittore Baroni for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Dabiele Virgilio for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Torill Elisabeth Larsen for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Antonio Gomez for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Beltran Laguna for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by William Mellott for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
Contribution by Leo Morissey for KART 90 running by David Dellafiora thumbnail
KART 90 by David Dellafiora the participants thumbnail

KART Nr. 90 ist da! (*ganz freiwillige und unbezahlte Werbung für ein tolles Magazin!)
Ich freue mich sehr, dabei zu sein.
KART ist eine Sofortkunstsammlung in einer Box!
„Das KART-Magazin ist eine Sammelpublikation zur Förderung der künstlerischen und kulturellen Vielfalt. KART ist ein fortlaufendes Projekt ohne Fristen und die Arbeit wird auf Dauer angenommen. KART wird in limitierten Auflagen von 40 Stück produziert, wobei jede Box Werke von 15 Künstlern enthält. Diese Ausgabe hat 17 Mitwirkende!
KART wird als eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen GenU- Karingal St Laurence und Field Study International veröffentlicht. David Dellafiora (Kurator) September 2018“ (Quelle)

Welcome to 90th issue of KART, an instant art collection in a box!
(*fully voluntary and unpaid advertising for a great magazine!)
KART magazine is an assembling publication promoting artistic and cultural diversity. KART is an ongoing project with no deadlines and work is accepted on a continuing basis. KART is produced in limited editions of 40, each box containing works by 15 artists.  This issue has 17 contributors!
KART is published as a collaboration between GenU- Karingal St Laurence and Field Study International.  David Dellafiora (curator) September 2018 (source)
Teilnehmer / Participants:
Australia Vizma Bruns • David Dellafiora • Lucy Godycki • Elvira Juraga • Zoe Snyder • Fiona Watkins France Nada Zero GermanyPeter Müller • Jürgen O. Olbrich • Sabine Remy Italy Vittore Baroni • Daniele Virgilio Norway Torill Elisabeth Larsen Spain Antonio Gomez  • Beltrán Laguna Taiwan William Mellott USA: Leo Morrissey

4 Gedanken zu „KART 90

  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, dass du hier dabei bist, Sabine! Sieht ja nach einer tollen Kollektion aus – mal wieder so eine feine Idee der Zusammenarbeit! LG. Susanne

    • KART finde ich auch super – David Dellafiora ist sehr umtriebig und macht viele unterschiedliche Projekte – ich freu mich auch, dabei zu sein.

  2. wieder einmal sehr eigenwillige arbeiten – jede ist besonders und jede auf ihre weise faszinierend. ein tolles projekt. ich überleg mal, ob das auch etwas für mich ist.
    liebe grüße

    • Genau diese Vielfalt gefällt mir auch so gut, Mano. Ja, mach doch auch mal mit – auf der Seite von David Dellafiora findest du ja alle Infos, die Du brauchst. Ansonsten können wir auch gerne mailen. Beste Grüße, Sabine

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