Mein Beitrag zu Frantichams Assembling Box

Stories that want to be told - Contribution to Frantichams Assembling Box - 1
Stories that want to be told - Contribution to Frantichams Assembling Box - 2
Stories that want to be told - Contribution to Frantichams Assembling Box - 3
Stories that want to be told - Contribution to Frantichams Assembling Box - 4

Stories that want to be told - Contribution to Frantichams Assembling Box - 1

Stories that want to be told - Contribution to Frantichams Assembling Box - 2

Stories that want to be told - Contribution to Frantichams Assembling Box - 3

Stories that want to be told - Contribution to Frantichams Assembling Box - 4

Stories that want to be told - Contribution to Frantichams Assembling Box - 1 thumbnail
Stories that want to be told - Contribution to Frantichams Assembling Box - 2 thumbnail
Stories that want to be told - Contribution to Frantichams Assembling Box - 3 thumbnail
Stories that want to be told - Contribution to Frantichams Assembling Box - 4 thumbnail

40 nummerierte Exemplare meines ersten Zines, zusammen mit 40 Original Collagen als Beitrag für  Frantichams Assemblingbox, betrieben von Francis van Maele und Antic-Ham.  Zwar ist es stets viel Arbeit, die Beiträge zu erstellen, aber es lohnt sich, denn die Boxen von Francis und Ham sind wirklich immer wunderbar und die Mühe wert! Ich bin schon auf die nächste Ausgabe gespannt.
(unbezahlte Werbung)

40 numbered copies of my first zine, along with 40 original collages as a contribution to Franticham´s Assemblingbox, run by Francis van Maele and  Antic-Ham.  While it’s always a lot of work to create the contributions, it’s worth it, because Francis and Ham’s boxes are really always wonderful and worth the effort! I’m already looking forward to the next issue.(unpaid advertisement)