Featured in ICARUS

Icarus - published by Allan Bealy
Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - participants
Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - The project
Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - my contribution

Icarus - published by Allan Bealy

Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - participants

Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - The project

Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - my contribution

Icarus - published by Allan Bealy thumbnail
Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - participants thumbnail
Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - The project thumbnail
Icarus - published by Allan Bealy - my contribution thumbnail

Ich freue mich, in dem Magazin „ICARUS“ von Allan Bealy dabei zu sein. Herzlichen Dank!
Während des Lockdowns Mitte letzten Jahres lud Allan zu einer Collaboration ein – den Teilnehmenden sendete er via email den Icarus-Starter zu – die beendete Arbeit wurde auf dem gleichen Wege an ihn zurückgeschickt.
Ich finde es sehr interessant zu sehen, wie unterschiedlich die Ergebnisse mit de selben Ausgangsmaterial sind.
Um selbst ein Exemplar des Magazins zu erwerben musst den den Instagram Account von Allan aufrufen – dort findest Du den link.
(unbezahlte Werbung)

english version:
I am pleased to be included in the magazine „ICARUS“ by Allan Bealy. Thank you very much!
During the lockdown in the middle of last year Allan invited to a collaboration – to the participants he sent via email the Icarus starter – the finished work was sent back to him in the same way.
I find it very interesting to see how different the results are with the same source material.
To purchase a copy of the magazine yourself, visit Allan’s Instagram account – you’ll find the link there.
(unpaid advertisement)