Finding joy in the smallest of things

Finding joy in the smallest of things - 1
Finding joy in the smallest of things - 2
Finding joy in the smallest of things - 3

Finding joy in the smallest of things - 1

Finding joy in the smallest of things - 2

Finding joy in the smallest of things - 3

Finding joy in the smallest of things - 1 thumbnail
Finding joy in the smallest of things - 2 thumbnail
Finding joy in the smallest of things - 3 thumbnail

Meine beiden Mini-Collagen (5×5 cm) für den Aufruf der  Kunstsammlung Doug + Laurie Kanyer: „Freude im Kleinsten finden – Erforschung der Mini-Collage“:
JUROREN: Zach Collins (@zachcollinsart) Künstler und Autor von „We Said Hello and Shook Hands“ und Co-Autor mit Scott Neff von „Big Bang“, mit Mini-Collage-Kollaborationen (@redfoxpress.ireland) und Sammlungsmitbegründerin Laurie Kanyer.

My two mini-collages (2 x 2 inches) for the call of the art collection Doug + Laurie Kanyer: „Finding joy in the smallest – Exploring the mini-collage“:
JURORS: Zach Collins (@zachcollinsart) artist and author of „We Said Hello and Shook Hands“ and co-author with Scott Neff of „Big Bang“, with mini-collage collaborations (@redfoxpress.ireland) and collection co-founder Laurie Kanyer.