Sabine Remy - Germany - They all had dreams and whishes - 1
Sabine Remy - Germany - They all had dreams and whishes - 2
Sabine Remy - Germany - They all had dreams and whishes - 3
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Aufruf Englisch

Sabine Remy - Germany - They all had dreams and whishes - 1

Sabine Remy - Germany - They all had dreams and whishes - 2

Sabine Remy - Germany - They all had dreams and whishes - 3

Aufruf Deutsch

Aufruf Englisch

Sabine Remy - Germany - They all had dreams and whishes - 1 thumbnail
Sabine Remy - Germany - They all had dreams and whishes - 2 thumbnail
Sabine Remy - Germany - They all had dreams and whishes - 3 thumbnail
Aufruf Deutsch thumbnail
Aufruf Englisch thumbnail

Das ist mein Beitrag für den Aufruf von Haus a rest für die Ausgabe #43 ihres Magazines zum Thema „Künstlerbücher“. Ich freue mich sehr, unter den Einsendenden für das Magazine ausgewählt worden sein. Es wird demnächst online erscheinen – weiter Informationen folgen.

This is my contribution to Haus a rest’s call for entries for issue #43 of their magazine on the subject of „artists‘ books“. I am very happy to have been selected among the submissions for the magazine. It will be published online soon – more information to follow.