I like to collaborate with other collage artists all over the world. One starts, send the started collage to the other via regular mail and than the other finishes. It it always a lot of fun to receive wonderful envelopes from abroad and to see what the other one put in it! Here is the list of all collab-pals with whom I have cooperated.
Ich liebe es, mit anderen Collagekünstlern zusammen zu arbeiten. Einer startet, sendet per Post die begonnene Collage zum anderen, der sie fertigstellt. es ist immer ein Vergnügen wunderbare Umschläge aus dem Ausland zu erhalten und zu sehen, was der andere hineingetan hat! Hier ist eine Liste mit allen Collage-Freunden, mit denen ich schon zusammen gearbeitet habe.
Collab. with Chrissy 32/2018
Die Wunder der Welt / The Wonders of the World
Collab. with Chrissy 31/2018
Sahneeissaison aka Eiskalt / Ice cream season aka Chillingly
Collab. with Chrissy 30/2018
Collab. with Chrissy 29/2018
Heimkehr / Homecoming
Collab. with Chrissy 28/2018
Go West
Collab. with Chrissy 27/2018
Kannst Du bitte was gegen den Klimawandel tun, Frau Holle?
Could you please do something against climate change, Mother Hulda?
Collab. with Chrissy 26/2017
Am Strand / At the beach
Collab. with Chrissy 25/2017
Komm lass uns spielen
Collab. with Chrissy 24/2017
Mit Vollgas - Full speed
Collab. with Chrissy 23/2017
Organspende / Organ Donation
Collab. with Chrissy 22/2017
Skyfall Knights
Collab. with Chrissy 21/2017
Darfs ein bischen mehr sein
Collab. with Chrissy 20/2017
Am Set / At the set
Collab. with Chrissy 19/2017
Folge dem Ruf deines Herzen / Follow the call of your heart
Collab. with Chrissy 18/2017
Collab. with Chrissy 17/2017
In der Schlangengrube/ In the snake pit
Collab. with Chrissy 16/2017
In einem Land vor unserer Zeit / In a land before our time
Collab. with Chrissy 15/2017
Aspekte der Liebe / Aspects of Love
Collab. with Chrissy 14/2017
Feinschmecker / Goumet
Collab. with Chrissy 13/2016
Trust in your failures / Vertraue deinen Fehlern
Collab. with Chrissy 12/2016
Collab. with Chrissy 11/2016
Lonely Planet
Collab. with Chrissy 10/2016
Schöpfung / Creation
Collab. with Chrissy 09/2015
Run for your lives! / Rette sich, wer kann!
Collab. with Chrissy 08/2015
Fashion Show / Modenschau
Collab. with Chrissy 07/2015
Collab. with Chrissy 06/2015
”Mousie, look out!”
Collab. with Chrissy 05/2015
"With a little help from my friend"
Collab. with Chrissy 04/2015
Collab. with Chrissy 3/2015
Collab. with Chrissy 2/2105
Collab. with Chrissy 1/2015
"Höhlenkinder" "Cave Kids"
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 12 /2014
"Say Cheese"
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 11b /2014
"I Do Not Eat Fish"
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 11a/ 2014
"Under Water Love"
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 10/2014
"Welcome to Arizona"
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 9/2014
“Just desserts ”
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 8/2014
"the owls are not what they seem"
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 7/2014
“She sought shoes and shells at the seashore”
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 06/2013
“In the Jungle”
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 05/2013
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 04/2013
“Wild Driver”
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 03/2013
"Killer Smile"
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 02/2013
Collab. with Vivienne Strauss 01/2013
Collab. with Alison Kurke 08/2015
"Watermelon Time"
Collab. with Alison Kurke 07/2015
“Pained Expression"
Collab. with Alison Kurke 06/2015
Collab. with Alison Kurke 05/2015
“Moths Damage”
Collab. with Alison Kurke 04/2015
Collab. with Alison Kurke 03/2015
Collab. with Alison Kurke 02/2015
"He´s got the key"
Collab. with Alison Kurke 01/2015
"In the mountains"
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 26/2015
"Bird Brain Boss"
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 25/2015
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 24/2015
"Analogue Ourobouros"
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 23/2015
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 22/2015
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 21/2015
"Time for a break"
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 20/2015
"Rooftop Submarine"
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 19/2015
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 18/2014
"World On Their Shoulders"
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 17/2014
"Moltonium Reach IV"
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 16/2014
"Doppel Klown"
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 15/2014
"The Stolen Sunglasses"
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 14/2014
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 13/2014
"Laughing is contagious"
Collab. with Mr Moltonium 12/2014
Brain Food
Collab with Mr. Moltonium 9-11/2013
"The Big Deal"
Collab with Mr. Moltonium 8/2013
"Make Love Not War"
Collab with Mr. Moltonium 7/2013
Collab. with Mr. Moltonium 06/2013
“Make-up für Ihr Haar”
Collab. with Mr. Moltonium 05/2013
Collab. with Mr. Moltonium 04/2013
“What he is dreaming of”
Collab. with Mr. Moltonium 03/2013
"Talkin Eds"
Collab. with Mr. Moltonium 02/2013
Collab. with Mr. Moltonium 01/2013
"Wolf Sumo Overdrive"
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 01/2013
“Paperback of basic theory and praxis about wire and switches” outside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 01/2013
“Paperback of basic theory and praxis about wire and switches”" inside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 02/2013
“The Playfellows Of Miriskum” outside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 02/2013
“The Playfellows Of Miriskum” inside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 03/2013
“Walking through puddles – A free trial!” outside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 03/2013
“Walking through puddles – A free trial!” inside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 04/2013
“The House At Twilight” outside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 04/2013
“The House At Twilight” inside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 6/2013
“Das Modeopfer” – “The fashion victim” outside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 6/2013
“Das Modeopfer” – “The fashion victim” inside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 7/2014
“Mode Schönheit Zypergras” – “Fashion Beauty Nut-Grass” outside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 7/2014
“Mode Schönheit Zypergras” – “Fashion Beauty Nut-Grass” inside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 8/2014
“Aus dem Nichts -Erfahrungen jenseits von Raum und Zeit” “From Scratch – Experiences Beyond Space And Time” outside
Collab. with Susanna Lakner 8/2014
“Aus dem Nichts -Erfahrungen jenseits von Raum und Zeit” “From Scratch – Experiences Beyond Space And Time” inside
Collab. with Josephine 01/2013
“try to stay in the ‘zen’ as long as possible”
Collab. with Josephine 02/2013
Collab. with Josephine 03/2013
"I go to sleep"
Collab. with Josephine 04/2013
"We will never know what they are starring at"
Collab. with Josephine 05/2013
“And up goes mummie”
Collab. with Josephine 6/2014
"Salvation "
Collab. with Josephine 7/2014
“The Sky Is Not The Limit” OR “The Sky´s The Limit”
Collab. with Josphine 8/2014
"From A To Z"
Collab. with Josephine 09/2014
"Gullivers Travels"
Collab. with Josephine 10/2015
"She Is Kidding Them"
Collab. with Josephine 11/2015
"Santa Claus is coming to town"
Collab. with Josephine 12/2015
"Urban Gardening"
Collab. with Josephine 13/2015
"Welcome To Jurassic Park"
Collab. with Josephine 14/2015
"Two Under One Hat"
Collab. with Josephine 15/2015
"Future Kid On Drugs"
Collab. with Josephine 16/2015
"Dreamtime ... open a book and fall inside"
Collab. with Josephine 17/2015
"Autumn Cleaning"
Collab. with Josephine 18/2015
Collab. with Josephine 19/2015
"Oh Mother"
Collab. with Josephine 20/2015
"Zo Baasje, Zo Beestje"
Collab. with Josephine 21/2015
"Dutch Folklore Girl"
Collab. with Babs Bird 01/2015
Collab. with Bricolagelife 01/2013
"Dotty Lady"
Collab. with Bricolagelife 02/2013
“Downtown Love”
Collab. with Bricolagelife 03/2013
“The Building Site”
Collab. with Bricolagelife 04/2013
“Devil in Disguise”
Collab. with Marko Novosel 01/2013
Collab. with Marko Novosel 02/2013
"Doing the Lotus"
Collab. with Marko Novosel 03/2013
"Nightmares on Pillowz"
Collab. with Marko Novosel 04/2013
"Ma Ma"
Collab. with Marko Novosel 05/2013
"In the cage"
Collab. with Marko Novosel 06/2013
“Steam Character”
Collab with Marko Novosel 07/2013
Collab with Marko Novosel 8/2013
Theme-Collab: Technology
Collab with Marko Novosel 9/2013
Theme-Collab: Neon
Collab with Marko Novosel 10/2013
Theme-Collab: Future
Collab. with Steuermann 01/2013
Collab. with Steuermann 02/2013
"On the Run"
Collab with Steuermann 3/2013
"1034 km"
Colllab. with Risa Profana 01/2013-2014
“Let´s go for a little ride”
Collab. with Risa Profana 02/ 2013 – 2014
“Cave Explorer” / “Höhlenforscher”
Collab. with Risa Profana 03/ 2013 – 2014
“Stadtratte” / “City Rat”

Wunderbar deine Website, liebe Sabine. Schön alles auf einer Stelle betrachten zu können. Ich werde sehr gerne immer mal wieder vorbei schauen.
Vielen Dank Iris!